VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Directives  .INSTRUCTION
    Instruction directive


      .INSTRUCTION  expression

1  –  Parameter


    An absolute expression in the range of -2147483648 to 2147483647.
    The expression cannot be relocatable, external, or complex.

2  –  Description

    The specified value is stored at the current location as an
    instruction. You can use .INSTRUCTION to specify arbitrary
    instructions. Similar to .LONG, .INSTRUCTION stores a longword
    (32 bits) of data. Unlike .LONG, the assembler considers
    .INSTRUCTION an instruction and allows its use in code psects.

3  –  Notes

    o  You can only use this directive within code or mixed psects
       (psects that have either the EXE or MIX attributes).

    o  If automatic data alignment is enabled within a mixed psect,
       this directive aligns the current location counter to a
       longword (32-bit) boundary before allocating storage.

    o  You can use this directive to store arbitrary, longword,
       assembly-time constant data in a code section.

4  –  Example

        .INSTRUCTION 7
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