Identification directive Format .IDENT quoted-literal
1 – Parameter
quoted-literal A 1- to 31-character string, within double quotes, that identifies the module, such as a string that specifies a version number.
2 – Description
.IDENT provides a means of identifying the object module. This identification is in addition to the name assigned to the object module with .TITLE. You can specify a character string in .IDENT to label the object module. This string is printed in the header of the listing file and also appears in the object module.
3 – Notes
o If a source module contains more than one .IDENT, the last directive given establishes the character string that forms part of the object module identification. o This directive also accepts VAX MACRO syntax. See the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual for details.
4 – Example
.IDENT "Module Name"