Conditional assembly block directive Format .ELSE
1 – Description
A conditional assembly block is a series of source statements that is assembled only if a certain condition is met. .IF starts the conditional block and .ENDC ends the conditional block; each .IF must have a corresponding .ENDC. The .IF directive contains a condition test and one or two arguments. The condition test specified is applied to the arguments. If the test is met, all MACRO-64 statements between .IF and .ELSE are assembled. If the test is not met, the statements between .ELSE and .ENDC are assembled. Conditional blocks can be nested; that is, a conditional block can be inside another conditional block. In this case, the statements in the inner conditional block are assembled only if the condition is met for both the outer and inner block. For more information, see the description of the .IF directive.
2 – Notes
o You cannot use the .ELSE directive in the same conditional block as the .IF_x directive. o The .ELSE directive is similar to the .IF_FALSE directive. However, you can only use .ELSE once within a conditional block. .IF_FALSE can be used any number of times in a conditional block.
3 – Example
Here is an example of a conditional assembly directive: .IF EQUAL ALPHA+1 ; Assemble block if ALPHA+1=0. . . .ELSE ; Assemble when .IF=false. . . .ENDC