Byte storage directive Format .BYTE expression-list
1 – Parameter
expression-list One or more expressions separated by commas. Each expression is first evaluated as a quadword expression; then the value of the expression is truncated to fit in a byte. The value of each expression should be in the range 0 to 255 for unsigned data or in the range -128 to +127 for signed data.
2 – Description
.BYTE generates successive bytes of binary data in the object module.
3 – Notes
o The assembler displays a warning message if the expression is outside the range -128 to -255. o The assembler will truncate the most significant bits of an integer or external value that is too large to store in eight bits. o You can only use this directive within data or mixed psects (psects that have either the NOEXE or MIX attributes).
4 – Example
A: .BYTE 5 ; Stores 5 in a byte