Returns status and identification information about the local system (or about a node in the local mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster system, if your system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster). Format F$GETSYI(item [,node-name] [,cluster-id])
1 – Return Value
Either an integer or a character string, depending on the item you request.
2 – Arguments
item Indicates the type of information to be reported about the local node (or about another node in your OpenVMS Cluster, if your system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster). Specify the item as a character string expression. Here are the items you can specify to get information about either your local node or another node in your OpenVMS Cluster system. If you do not specify the node argument, the information is returned for the local node. * Alpha and Integrity servers only ** VAX only + I64 only ACTIVE_CPU_MASK* ACTIVECPU_CNT ARCHFLAG ARCH_NAME ARCH_TYPE AVAIL_CPU_MASK* AVAILCPU_CNT BOOT_DEVICE* BOOTTIME CHARACTER_EMULATED CLUSTER_EVOTES CLUSTER_FSYSID CLUSTER_FTIME CLUSTER_MEMBER CLUSTER_NODES CLUSTER_QUORUM CLUSTER_VOTES COMMUNITY_ID* CONSOLE_VERSION* CONTIG_GBLPAGES CPU** CPU_AUTOSTART* CPU_FAILOVER* CPUCAP_MASK* CPUTYPE* CWLOGICALS DECIMAL_EMULATED DECNET_FULLNAME DECNET_VERSION D_FLOAT_EMULATED ERLBUFFERPAG_S2* ERLBUFFERPAGES ERRORLOGBUFF_S2* ERRORLOGBUFFERS F_FLOAT_EMULATED FREE_GBLPAGES FREE_GBLSECTS FREE_PAGES G_FLOAT_EMULATED GALAXY_ID* GALAXY_MEMBER* GALAXY_PLATFORM* GALAXY_SHMEMSIZE* GH_RSRVPGCNT* GLX_FORMATION* GLX_MAX_MEMBERS* GLX_MBR_MEMBER* GLX_MBR_NAME* GLX_TERMINATION* HP_ACTIVE_CPU_CNT* HP_ACTIVE_SP_CNT* HP_CONFIG_SBB_CNT* HP_CONFIG_SP_CNT* HW_MODEL HW_NAME ITB_ENTRIES* MAX_CPUS* MEMSIZE MODIFIED_PAGES MULTITHREAD NODENAME NODE_AREA NODE_CSID NODE_EVOTES NODE_HWTYPE NODE_HWVERS NODE_NUMBER NODE_QUORUM NODE_SWINCARN NODE_SWTYPE NODE_SWVERS NODE_SYSTEMID NODE_VOTES NPAGED_FREE* NPAGED_INUSE* NPAGED_LARGEST* NPAGED_TOTAL* PAGED_FREE* PAGED_INUSE* PAGED_LARGEST* PAGED_TOTAL* PAGEFILE_FREE PAGEFILE_PAGE PAGE_SIZE PALCODE_VERSION* PARTITION_ID* POTENTIAL_CPU_MASK* POTENTIALCPU_CNT* POWERED_CPU_MASK* POWEREDCPU_CNT* PRESENT_CPU_MASK* PRESENTCPU_CNT* PRIMARY_CPUID* QUANTUM RAD_CPUS RAD_MAX_RADS RAD_MEMSIZE RAD_SHMEMSIZE REAL_CPUTYPE* SCS_EXISTS SCSNODE* SID SWAPFILE_FREE SWAPFILE_PAGE SYSTEM_RIGHTS SYSTEM_UUID +SYSTYPE* TOTAL_PAGES USED_GBLPAGCNT USED_GBLPAGMAX USED_PAGES VECTOR_EMULATOR VERSION VP_MASK VP_NUMBER * Alpha only ** VAX only + I64 only You can also specify any of the system parameters listed in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. node-name Specifies the node in your OpenVMS Cluster system for which information is to be returned. Specify the node as a character string expression. You cannot use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters to specify the node-name argument. cluster-id Specifies the cluster node identification number for which the information is to be returned. To get information for all the nodes in a cluster, use the F$CSID lexical function to obtain each cluster system identification number, and use the cluster-id argument of F$GETSYI to gather information about each node.
3 – Examples
1.$ SYSID = F$GETSYI("SID") $ SHOW SYMBOL SYSID SYSID = 19923201 Hex = 01300101 Octal = 000401 This example shows how to use the F$GETSYI function to return the information in the system identification register. Use quotation marks (" ") around the argument SID because it is a string literal. The value returned by F$GETSYI is assigned to the symbol SYSID. Because a node is not specified, information about your current node is returned. 2.$ MEM = F$GETSYI("CLUSTER_MEMBER", "LONDON") $ SHOW SYMBOL MEM MEM = "TRUE" This example uses the F$GETSYI function to determine whether the node LONDON is a member of the local cluster. The return value TRUE indicates that the remote node LONDON is a member of the cluster. 3.$ LIM = F$GETSYI("IJOBLIM") $ SHOW SYMBOL LIM LIM = 16 Hex = 00000010 Octal = 00000000020 This example uses the system parameter IJOBLIM as an argument for the F$GETSYI function. This argument returns the batch job limit for the current system. 4.$ DECNETVERS = F$GETSYI("DECNET_VERSION") $ SHOW SYMBOL DECNETVERS DECNETVERS = "00050D01" $ DECNETPHASE = F$INTEGER(F$EXTRACT(2,2,DECNETVERS)) $ SHOW SYMBOL DECNETPHASE DECNETPHASE = 5 Hex = 00000005 Octal = 00000000005 This example shows how to use F$GETSYI to return the DECnet version, using the DECNET_VERSION item. 5.$ RADCPU = F$GETSYI("RAD_CPUS") $ SHOW SYMBOL RADCPU 0,0,0,1,1,4,1,5 This example uses the system parameter RAD_CPUS as an argument for the F$GETSYI function. This argument returns a list of RAD,CPU pairs, separated by commas. In this example, the first RAD,CPU pair is 0,0, the second pair is 0,1, and so forth. RAD is supported on AlphaServer GS series systems and starting from OpenVMS Version 8.4, support is extended to NUMA capable Integrity servers.