Displays information about the locales and charmaps on the system. Format: LOCALE SHOW option
Lists all the character set description files (charmaps) in the public directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE. A charmap defines symbolic names and values of characters in a coded character set. Charmaps are used by the LOCALE COMPILE command when compiling a locale. A charmap file has the file type .CMAP. Format: LOCALE SHOW CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS
Displays a summary of the current international environment, as defined by several international environment logical names. Format: LOCALE SHOW CURRENT
Lists all public locales on the system. The set of public locales contains all locales that reside in the directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE, as well as the system's built-in locales supplied with the Compaq C run-time library. Format: LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC
Displays the value of one or more keywords from the current international environment. Format: LOCALE SHOW VALUE name[,...]
4.1 – Parameter
name[,...] The name of a keyword or category. If you specify a keyword, the value of that keyword in the current locale is displayed. If you specify a category, the values of the keywords in that category are displayed. For integer keywords that have no value assigned, the value CHAR_MAX (127) is displayed. When a keyword value includes semicolons, double-quotes, backslashes, or control characters, they are preceded by an escape character (usually a backslash).
5 – Qualifiers
/[NO]CATEGORY /NOCATEGORY (D) Displays the category name before each keyword. If /CATEGORY is omitted, the category name is not displayed.
/[NO]KEYWORD /NOKEYWORD (D) Displays the keyword name before the value of a keyword. If /KEYWORD is omitted, the value of the keyword is displayed, but not its name.