1 /ALL
Positional qualifier. Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should be issued. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
/AUTHORIZATION=string Positional qualifier. Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to issue. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
/DATABASE=filespec Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not use the default License Database name and location.
/ISSUER=string Positional qualifier. Specifies the name of the company (for example, HP) that issued the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
5 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether LICENSE ISSUE displays the name of each license that it issues.
/OUTPUT[=filespec] Specifies the name of the file to which your PAK replica is written. If you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier, or if you do not supply a file specification with this qualifier, the output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. If you specify a file name that already exists, this command creates a new version of the file. If you specify a complete file name and version that already exists, this command appends the PAK replica to the existing file.
/PROCEDURE /NOPROCEDURE (default) Specifies that the PAK replica is to be written in the form of a DCL command procedure. Use /PROCEDURE with the /OUTPUT qualifier to create a command procedure in a file. Then you can invoke the procedure to register the PAK replica in the License Database of another processor. If you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier with /PROCEDURE, or if you do not supply a file specification with the /OUTPUT qualifier, the procedure is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.
/PRODUCER=string Positional qualifier. Specifies the name of the company (for example, HP) that owns the product for which you have a license. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.