Copies licenses from one License Database to another. When you use LICENSE COPY, LMF disables the source license and registers a copy in the destination License Database as if it were a new license. If the terms and conditions of your license contract allow it, you can re-enable the source database license by using LICENSE ENABLE. LICENSE COPY cannot be used to create a copy of a license in the same database as the source of the copy. Format LICENSE COPY product-name[,...] output-database
1 – Parameters
product-name[,...] Name or names of products with a license to be copied to the output License Database. output-database File specification of the License Database to which the license or licenses should be copied. This database must have been created previously using LICENSE CREATE. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), LMF$LICENSE is the default file name, and .LDB is the default file type. If you do not specify a device or directory, the current default device and directory are used.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /ALL
Positional qualifier. Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should be copied. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
/AUTHORIZATION=string Positional qualifier. Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to copy. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
/DATABASE=filespec Specifies the location of the License Database from which the license should be copied. The default file specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not use the default License Database name and location.
/ISSUER=string Positional qualifier. Specifies the name of the company (for example, HP) that issued the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you need to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
2.5 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether LICENSE COPY displays the name of each license that it copies.
/PRODUCER=string Positional qualifier. Specifies the name of the company (for example, HP) that owns the product for which you have a license. Use this optional qualifier only if you need to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.
3 – Description
To copy a license from one database to another, use LICENSE COPY. The following conditions apply to a LICENSE COPY transaction: o The status of the source database license changes to disabled. o Network copies are supported within the limits of remote FAL access. If you use access control strings, such as "USERNAME password" within the file specification, the actual password string is not stored. o LICENSE COPY does not transfer any user-supplied data such as reservation lists, modified termination dates, modified units, include or exclude node lists, or comments.
4 – Examples
1.$ LICENSE COPY FORTRAN BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies the Fortran license in the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. This command fails if there is more than one Fortran license in the default database. 2.$ LICENSE COPY FORTRAN /DATABASE=BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB - _$ BACKUP_DATA2:BACKUP2.LDB This command copies the Fortran license in the source License Database to the BACKUP_DATA2:BACKUP2.LDB License Database. This command fails if there is more than one Fortran license in the source database. 3.$ LICENSE COPY FORTRAN /ALL BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies all Fortran licenses in the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. 4.$ LICENSE COPY FOR* BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies all licenses whose product names begin with the string "FOR" from the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using the wildcard character (*) implies the use of /ALL. 5.$ LICENSE COPY * BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies all licenses from the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using the wildcard character (*) implies the use of /ALL. 6.$ LICENSE COPY * /PRODUCER=DEC BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies all licenses with the producer name DEC from the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using the wildcard character (*) implies the use of /ALL. 7.$ LICENSE COPY D%% BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB This command copies all licenses beginning with a "D" followed by exactly two characters from the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using the wildcard character (%) implies the use of /ALL.