Outputs the message text only.
/DELETE=filename.MSGHLP Deletes all messages contained in the specified .MSGHLP file from whichever of the following files is found first: o A .MSGHLP$DATA file specified with the /LIBRARY qualifier o The first .MSGHLP$DATA file in a search path specified by the /LIBRARY qualifier o SYS$HELP:MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA (the default .MSGHLP$DATA file) o The first .MSGHLP$DATA file in the default search path (defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY) You must have write access to Compaq supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files to delete messages from the Compaq supplied database. NOTE If you create a .MSGHLP file by specifying a search string, check the output .MSGHLP file to be sure the search did not pick up any unexpected messages that you do not want to delete from the database. Edit any such messages out of the .MSGHLP file before you perform the delete operation.
/EXTRACT=filename.MSGHLP Extracts messages from the database and generates a .MSGHLP file that can be edited, if desired, and used as input for /INSERT and /DELETE operations. /EXTRACT retrieves data from a .MSGHLP$DATA file or logical search path specified by /LIBRARY or, by default, from files in the search path defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY. When /EXTRACT is not specified, Help Message produces output in standard text format by default (see /OUTPUT).
/FACILITY=? /FACILITY=(facility-name [,...]) /FACILITY=ALL Specifies which facilities in the database are to be searched for a match. Enter /FACILITY=? to output a list of all facilities in the default database or in a database specified by /LIBRARY. To narrow your search, specify one or more facility names with /FACILITY. (Multiple facilities must be enclosed in parentheses and be separated by commas.) Help Message then outputs only matching messages produced by the specified facility or facilities. Specify /FACILITY=ALL to output messages for all facilities in the database. /FACILITY=ALL is the default unless another facility is implied; for example, specifying /STATUS or defaulting to the value of the CLI symbol $STATUS automatically identifies a specific facility. Similarly, cutting and pasting a message that includes a facility name invalidates use of the /FACILITY qualifier.
/FULL (default) Outputs the complete message description, including message text, facility name, explanation, user action, and user-supplied comment, if any.
/INSERT=filename.MSGHLP Updates the first of the following files to be found with new or changed information from the specified .MSGHLP file: o A .MSGHLP$DATA file specified with the /LIBRARY qualifier o The first .MSGHLP$DATA file in a search path specified by the /LIBRARY qualifier o The first .MSGHLP$DATA file in the default search path (defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY) o SYS$HELP:MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA (the default MSGHLP$DATA file) You must have write access for the Compaq supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files to insert data into these files. User-supplied data is identified by change bars in Help Message output.
/LIBRARY=disk:[directory]filename.MSGHLP$DATA /LIBRARY=disk:[directory] /LIBRARY=logical-name Defines the messages database for the current command to be a particular .MSGHLP$DATA file, all the .MSGHLP$DATA files in a specified directory, or all the files in a search path defined by a logical name. For most operations, the default database is either SYS$HELP:MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA or a search path of .MSGHLP$DATA files defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY. For /DELETE and /INSERT operations, the default database is either SYS$HELP:MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA or the first file in a search path defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY.
/OUTPUT=filespec Writes output to the specified file. By default, Help Message writes output to SYS$OUTPUT, which is normally the terminal.
/PAGE (default for screen display) /NOPAGE Displays terminal output one screen at a time. The page length is automatically set to 1 line less than the value specified by SET TERMINAL/PAGE. (Use of /PAGE is incompatible with /OUTPUT=filespec.)
/SECTION_FILE=* /SECTION_FILE=file-spec Identifies the specified message section file to the system so that Help Message can interpret the $STATUS values for the messages in that file. The default file specification is SYS$MESSAGE:.EXE. Specifying /SECTION_FILE=* automatically includes all OpenVMS-supplied message section files. NOTE The results of using this qualifier are entirely independent from those created by the SET MESSAGE command. The Help Message utility and Message utility do not interact. You must separately code each utility to obtain the results you want.
11 /SORT
/SORT /NOSORT (default) Sorts output in alphabetical order. If a sort fails, retry the operation using the /WORK_FILES qualifier.
/STATUS=status-code /STATUS='symbol' /STATUS='$STATUS' (default) Outputs the message corresponding to the specified status code. You can specify the status code with a decimal or hexadecimal number or a symbol enclosed in apostrophes. If a HELP/MESSAGE command does not include a search string, Help Message by default outputs the message corresponding to the CLI symbol $STATUS; that is, Help Message displays information on how the last executed command completed. You cannot specify a search string or /FACILITY with /STATUS. /FACILITY is also illegal if you omit the search string and default to /STATUS='$STATUS'.
/WORD_MATCH=INITIAL_SUBSTRING (default) /WORD_MATCH=WHOLE_WORD /WORD_MATCH=INITIAL_SUBSTRING matches all words that begin with a word specified in the search string. The search string can contain multiple words to be matched. Only messages that match every word in the search string (in any order) are output. /WORD_MATCH=WHOLE_WORD matches whole words only and refines your search to the exact words specified. For example, an exact search on ACC screens out dozens of other messages containing words that begin with the letters ACC.
/WORK_FILES=nn /WORK_FILES=0 (default if qualifier is omitted) /WORK_FILES=2 (default if qualifier is entered with no value) Specifies that work files are to be used if the /SORT qualifier is specified. You can specify a value from 0 to 10 for nn. This qualifier has no effect if /SORT is not specified.