/TRUNCATE=confirm (Default) /TRUNCATE=noconfirm Truncate can only be used together with /LENGTH. When the given input is to large, it will be truncated to the maximum length. /TRUNCATE=noconfirm will truncate without asking, but the symbol GETINPUT_STATUS will be set to TRUNCATED.
1 – Example
$ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /LENGTH=(8,12)/TRUNCATE/PROMPT="Enter a password" Enter a password: thisisatestpassword Input is to long, truncate to "thisisatestp" (Yes,No,Quit) <Yes>: N Enter a password: thisisatestpassword Input is to long, truncate to "thisisatestp" (Yes,No,Quit) <Yes>: $ show symbol OutputSymbol OUTPUTSYMBOL = "thisisatestp" $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /LENGTH=(8,12)/TRUNCATE=NOCONFIRM - /PROMPT="Enter a password" Enter a password: thisisatestpassword %GIP-I-TRUNC, input truncated to thisisatestp $ show symbol OutputSymbol OUTPUTSYMBOL = "thisisatestp" $ show symbol getinput_status GETINPUT_STATUS = "TRUNCATED"