The following topics describe the changes necessary to upgrade the level of support for ODS-5. Note that you must first ensure that the application meets the default support level before you can upgrade it to the full support level. NOTE If you are not using the RMS or QIO interfaces to perform disk I/O, the Extended File Specifications support level of your application depends on whether the interface you are using (such as a language run-time library) provides full support.
1 – Upgrading to Default Support
To upgrade an application to provide default support for Extended File Specifications, you must ensure that it minimally supports both the ODS-5 volume structure and extended file naming as recommended in the following topics
2 – Supporting ODS-5
Applications that do not support the new ODS-5 volume structure do not operate successfully on these volumes even if they encounter only traditional file specifications. These applications use physical or logical I/O to bypass the file system when they access the volume or access directory files or other metadata files directly, and therefore must be installed with privileges or run by a user who has privileges. These applications are usually system programs, such as disk defragmenters, or programs that try to avoid overhead by accessing the disk directly. These applications rely on specific knowledge of the file or directory structure on the disk which has changed with introduction of the ODS-5 structure. Recommendations: Applications should use documented interfaces and structures whenever possible.
3 – Supporting Long File Names
If an application does not handle extended names successfully, examine the application for any the following: o Does the application access and interpret the contents of directory files directly? If so, the application may fail when it encounters a directory that contains extended file names. Recommendation: Modify the application to use the search functions provided with the RMS or QIO interface, or with LIBRTL routines such as LIB$FIND_FILE. o Does the application attempt to parse or assume knowledge of the syntax of a file specification? For example, the application might search for a bracket ([) to locate the beginning of a directory specification, or for a space character to mark the end of a file specification. Recommendation: The application should rely on RMS to determine whether a file specification is legal rather than pretesting the actual name. Use the NAM$L_NODE, NAM$L_DEV, NAM$L_DIR, NAM$L_TYPE, and NAM$L_VER fields of the NAM block or SYS$FILESCAN to retrieve this information. o Does the application depend on the NAM$V_DIR_LVLS bits in the NAM$L_FNB field to determine how many directory levels there are in the current file specification? Because there are only three bits in this field, it can only specify a maximum of eight levels. Applications seldom use these bits; they are mainly used by RMS when a NAM is specified as a related file specification. Recommendation: Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.2, there is a new larger field available in both the NAM and the NAML blocks, NAM$W_LONG_DIR_LEVELS. Use this field to locate the correct number of directory levels. o Does the application rely on the NAM$V_WILD_UFD and SFD1 - SFD7 bits to determine where there are wildcard directories? Because there are only eight of these bits they can only report wildcards in the first eight directory levels. Applications seldom use these bits; they are mainly used by RMS when a NAM is specified as a related file specification. Recommendation: Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.2, there is a new field available in both the NAM and NAML block, NAML$W_ FIRST_WILD_DIR. Use this field to locate the highest directory level where a wildcard is to be found. o Does the application use the QIO interface to the file system and specify or request a file name from QIO directly? The QIO interface requires that an application specify explicitly that it understands extended file names before it will accept or return the names. In addition, the file name format for extended file names is not identical between RMS and the QIO interface. Additionally, some file names may be specified in 2-byte Unicode (UCS-2) characters. Your application must be capable of dealing with 1 character that spans 2 bytes. Recommendations: Most applications that use the QIO interface also use RMS to parse file specifications and retrieve the file and directory ID for the file. They then use these ID values to access the file with the QIO interface. This method of access continues to work with extended names. DIGITAL recommends changing to this method to fix problem. You can also obtain the name that the QIO system uses from the NAML$L_FILESYS_NAME field of a NAML block, or use the new system service (SYS$CVT_FILENAME) to convert between the RMS and the QIO file name. In this case, you will also need to provide an expanded FIB block to the QIO service to specify that your application understands extended names, expand your buffers to the maximum size, and prepare to deal with 2-byte Unicode characters.
4 – Upgrading to Full Support
Some OpenVMS applications, such as system or disk management utilities, may require full support for Extended File Specifications. Typically these are utilities that must be able to view and manipulate all file specifications without DID or FID abbreviation. To upgrade an application so that it fully supports all the features of Extended File Specifications, do the following: 1. Convert all uses of the RMS NAM block to the new NAML block. 2. Expand the input and output file name buffers used by RMS. To do this, use the NAML long_expanded and long_resultant buffer pointers (NAML$L_LONG_EXPAND and NAML$L_LONG_RESULT) rather than the short buffer pointers (NAML$L_ESA and NAML$L_ RSA), and increase the buffer sizes from NAM$C_MAXRSS to NAML$C_MAXRSS. 3. If long file names (greater than 255 bytes) are specified in the FAB file name buffer field (FAB$L_FNA), use the NAML long_ filename buffer field (NAML$L_LONG_FILENAME) instead. If long file names are specified in the default FAB name buffer field (FAB$L_DNA), use the default NAML name buffer field (NAML$L_ LONG_DEFNAME) instead. 4. If you use the LIB$FIND_FILE, LIB$RENAME or LIB$DELETE routines, set LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES in the flags argument (flags is a new argument to the LIB$DELETE routine). Note that you can use the NAML block in place of the NAM block to pass information to LIB$FILE_SCAN without additional changes. 5. If you use the LIB$FID_TO_NAME routine, the descriptor for the returned file specification may need to be changed to take advantage of the increased maximum allowed of 4095 (NAML$C_MAXRSS) bytes. 6. If you use the FDL$CREATE, FDL$GENERATE, FDL$PARSE, or FDL$RELEASE routine, you must set FDL$M_LONG_NAMES in the flags argument. 7. Examine the source code for any additional assumptions made internally that a file specification is no longer than 255 8-bit bytes.