Writes output to an array of wide characters under control of the wide-character format string. Format #include <wchar.h> int vwprintf (const wchar_t *format, va_list ap);
1 – Arguments
format A pointer to a wide-character string containing the format specifications. For more information about format and conversion specifications and their corresponding arguments, see the "Understanding Input and Output" chapter of the HP C RTL Reference Manual. ap The variable list of items needed for output.
2 – Description
The vwprintf function is equivalent to the wprintf function, with the variable argument list replaced by the ap argument. Initialize ap with the va_start macro, and possibly with subsequent va_arg calls. The vwprintf function does not invoke the va_end macro. See also wprintf.
3 – Return Values
x The number of wide characters written, not counting the terminating null wide character. Negative value Indicates an error. Either n or more wide characters were requested to be written, or a conversion error occurred, in which case errno is set to EILSEQ.