Allows you to specify the action to take when a particular signal is raised. Format #include <signal.h> void (*ssignal (int sig, void (*func) (int, . . . ))) (int, . . . );
1 – Arguments
sig A number or mnemonic associated with a signal. The symbolic constants for signal values are defined in the <signal.h> header file. See the Error and Signal Handling chapter of the HP C RTL Reference Manual. func The action to take when the signal is raised, or the address of a function that is executed when the signal is raised.
2 – Description
The ssignal function is equivalent to the signal function except for the return value on error conditions. Since the signal function is defined by the ANSI C standard and the ssignal function is not, use signal for greater portability. See the "Error and Signal Handling" chapter of the HP C RTL Reference Manual for more information on signal handling.
3 – Return Values
x The address of the function previously established as the action for the signal. The address may be the value SIG_DFL (0) or SIG_IGN (1). 0 Indicates errors. For this reason, there is no way to know whether a return status of 0 indicates failure, or whether it indicates that a previous action was SIG_DFL (0).