Suspends a calling thread and waits for queued signals to arrive. This function is OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers only. Format #include <signal.h> int sigtimedwait (const sigset_t set, siginfo_t *info, const struct timespec *timeout);
1 – Arguments
set The set of signals to wait for. info Pointer to a siginfo structure that is receiving data describing the signal, including any application-defined data specified when the signal was posted. timeout A timeout for the wait. If timeout is NULL, the argument is ignored.
2 – Description
The sigtimedwait function behaves the same as the sigwaitinfo function except that if none of the signals specified by set are pending, sigtimedwait waits for the time interval specified in the timespec structure referenced by timeout. If the timespec structure pointed to by timeout is zero-valued and if none of the signals specified by set are pending, then sigtimedwait returns immediately with an error. See also sigwait and sigwaitinfo. See the "Error and Signal Handling" chapter of the HP C RTL Reference Manual for more information on signal handling.
3 – Return Values
x Upon successful completion, the signal number selected is returned. -1 Indicates that an error occurred; errno is set to one of the following values: o EINVAL - The timeout argument specified a tv_nsec value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1 billion. o EINTR - The wait was interrupted by an unblocked, intercepted signal. o EAGAIN - No signal specified by set was generated within the specified timeout period.