Converts UNIX style file specifications to OpenVMS file specifications. Format #include <unixlib.h> int decc$to_vms (const char *unix_style_filespec, int (*action_routine) (char *OpenVMS_style_filespec, int type_of_file), int allow_wild, int no_directory);
1 – Arguments
unix_style_filespec The address of a null-terminated string containing a name in UNIX style file specification format. action_routine The address of a routine called by decc$to_vms that accepts the following arguments: o A pointer to a null-terminated string that is the result of the translation to OpenVMS format. o An integer that has one of the following values: Value Translation 0 (DECC$K_FOREIGN) A file on a remote system that is not running the OpenVMS or VAXELN operating system. 1 (DECC$K_FILE) The translation is a file. 2 (DECC$K_ The OpenVMS translation of the UNIX style DIRECTORY) filename is a directory. These values can be defined symbolically with the symbols DECC$K_FOREIGN, DECC$K_FILE, and DECC$K_DIRECTORY. See the example for more information. If action_routine returns a nonzero value (TRUE), file translation continues. If it returns a 0 value (FALSE), no further file translation takes place. allow_wild Either 0 or 1, passed by value. If a 0 is specified, wildcards found in unix_style_filespec are not expanded. Otherwise, wildcards are expanded and each one is passed to action_routine. Only expanded filenames that correspond to existing OpenVMS files are included. no_directory An integer that has one of the following values: Value Translation 0 Directory allowed. 1 Prevent expansion of the string as a directory name. 2 Forced to be a directory name.
2 – Description
The decc$to_vms function converts the given UNIX style file specification into the equivalent OpenVMS file specification (in all uppercase letters). It allows you to specify UNIX style wildcards, which are translated into a list of corresponding OpenVMS files. Note that the following feature logicals can affect the behavior of decc$to_vms: DECC$DISABLE_TO_VMS_LOGNAME_TRANSLATION DECC$NO_ROOTED_SEARCH_LISTS
3 – Return Value
x The number of filenames that result from the specified UNIX style file specification.
4 – Example
/* Translate "UNIX" wildcard file names to OpenVMS names.*/ /* Define as a foreign command and provide the name as */ /* an argument. */ #include <unixlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int print_name(char *, int); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int number_found; /* number of files found */ printf("Translating: %s\n", argv[1]); number_found = decc$to_vms(argv[1], print_name, 1, 0); printf("%d files found\n", number_found); } /* action routine that prints name and type on each line */ int print_name(char *name, int type) { if (type == DECC$K_DIRECTORY) printf("directory: %s\n", name); else if (type == DECC$K_FOREIGN) printf("remote non-VMS: %s\n", name); else printf("file: %s\n", name); /* Translation continues as long as success status is returned */ return (1); } This example shows how to use the decc$to_vms routine in Compaq C. It takes a UNIX style file specification argument and displays, in OpenVMS file specification format, the name of each existing file that matches it.