Sets the specified clock. This function is OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers only. Format #include <time.h> int clock_settime (clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp);
1 – Arguments
clock_id The clock type used for the clock that is to be set. The CLOCK_ REALTIME clock is supported and represents the TIME-OF-DAY clock for the system. tp A pointer to a timespec data structure.
2 – Description
The clock_settime function sets the specified clock, clock_id, to the value specified by tp. Time values that are between two consecutive non-negative integer multiples of the resolution of the specified clock are truncated down to the smaller multiple of the resolution. A clock can be systemwide (that is, visible to all processes) or per-process (measuring time that is meaningful only within a process). The CLOCK_REALTIME clock, defined in <time.h>, represents the realtime clock for the system. For this clock, the values specified by clock_settime and returned by clock_gettime represent the amount of time elapsed, in seconds and nanoseconds, since the Epoch. The Epoch is defined as 00:00:00:00 January 1, 1970 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You must have OPER, LOG_IO, and SYSPRV privileges to use the clock_settime function. On success, the function returns 0. On failure, the function returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error. See also clock_getres, clock_gettime, time, and ctime.
3 – Return Values
0 Indicates success. -1 Indicates failure; errno is set to the following value: o EINVAL - The clock_id argument does not specify a known clock, or the tp argument is outside the range for the given clock_id or specifies a nanosecond value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1 billion. o EPERM - The requesting process does not have the appropriate privilege to set the specified clock.