Converts a broken-down time in a tm structure into a 26-character string in the following form: Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1984\n\0 All fields have a constant width. Format #include <time.h> char *asctime (const struct tm *timeptr); char *asctime_r (const struct tm *timeptr, char *buffer); (ISO POSIX-1)
1 – Arguments
timeptr A pointer to a structure of type tm, which contains the broken- down time. The tm structure is defined in the <time.h> header file, and also shown in tm Structure in the description of localtime. buffer A pointer to a character array that is at least 26 bytes long. This array is used to store the generated date-and-time string.
2 – Description
The asctime and asctime_r functions convert the contents of tm into a 26-character string and returns a pointer to the string. The difference between asctime_r and asctime is that the former puts the result into a user-specified buffer. The latter puts the result into thread-specific static memory allocated by the Compaq C RTL, which can be overwritten by subsequent calls to ctime or asctime; you must make a copy if you want to save it. On success, asctime returns a pointer to the string; asctime_r returns its second argument. On failure, these functions return the NULL pointer. See the localtime function for a list of the members in tm. NOTE Generally speaking, UTC-based time functions can affect in- memory time-zone information, which is processwide data. However, if the system time zone remains the same during the execution of the application (which is the common case) and the cache of timezone files is enabled (which is the default), then the _r variant of the time functions asctime_ r, ctime_r, gmtime_r and localtime_r, is both thread-safe and AST-reentrant. If, however, the system time zone can change during the execution of the application or the cache of timezone files is not enabled, then both variants of the UTC-based time functions belong to the third class of functions, which are neither thread-safe nor AST-reentrant.
3 – Return Values
x A pointer to the string, if successful. NULL Indicates failure.