Interface F_TYPE tan (F_TYPE x) F_TYPE tand (F_TYPE x)
1 – Description
tan() computes the tangent of x, measured in radians. tand() computes the tangent of x, measured in degrees. Entry-Point Names Generic Compaq Function Data Type OpenVMS Tru64 UNIX Name Required Alpha Alpha tan S_FLOAT math$tan_s tanf T_FLOAT math$tan_t tan X_FLOAT math$tan_x tanl F_FLOAT math$tan_f G_FLOAT math$tan_g tand S_FLOAT math$tand_s tandf T_FLOAT math$tand_t tand X_FLOAT math$tand_x tandl F_FLOAT math$tand_f G_FLOAT math$tand_g
2 – Exceptions
Exceptional Argument Routine Behavior |x| = infinity Invalid argument (tand) |x| < (180/pi) * min_float Underflow (tand) x = (2n+1) * 90 Overflow Data Type Value for: (180/pi) * min_float F Hexadecimal: 2EE10365 G Hexadecimal: C1F81A63A5DC006C S Hexadecimal: 00000039 T Hexadecimal: 0000000000000039 X Hexadecimal: 00000000000000000000000000000039 F Decimal: 1.683772e-37 G Decimal: 3.187183529933798e-307 S Decimal: 8.028849e-44 T Decimal: 2.830787630910868e-322 X Decimal: 3.71000205951917569316937757202433432154392e-4964