The CLI$DCL_PARSE routine supplies a command string to DCL for parsing. DCL separates the command string into its individual elements according to the syntax specified in the command table. Format CLI$DCL_PARSE [command_string] ,table [,param_routine] [,prompt_routine] [,prompt_string]
1 – Returns
OpenVMS usage:cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value Longword condition value. Most utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that this routine can return are listed under Condition Values Returned.
2 – Arguments
command_string OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor-fixed length Character string containing the command to be parsed. The command_string argument is the address of a descriptor specifying the command string to be parsed. If the command string includes a comment (delimited by an exclamation mark), DCL ignores the comment. If the command string contains a hyphen to indicate that the string is being continued, DCL uses the routine specified in the prompt_routine argument to obtain the rest of the string. The command string is limited to 256 characters. However, if the string is continued with a hyphen, CLI$DCL_PARSE can prompt for additional input until the total number of characters is 1024. If you specify the command_string argument as zero and specify a prompt routine, then DCL prompts for the entire command string. However, if you specify the command_string argument as zero and also specify the prompt_routine argument as zero, DCL restores the parse state of the command string that originally invoked the image. CLI$DCL_PARSE does not perform DCL-style symbol substitution on the command string. table OpenVMS usage:address type: address access: read only mechanism: by value Address of the compiled command tables to be used for command parsing. The command tables are compiled separately by the Command Definition Utility using the DCL command SET COMMAND/OBJECT and are then linked with your program. A global symbol is defined by the Command Definition Utility that provides the address of the tables. The global symbol's name is taken from the module name given on the MODULE statement in the command definition file, or from the file name if no MODULE statement is present. param_routine OpenVMS usage:procedure type: procedure value access: read only mechanism: by reference Name of a routine to obtain a required parameter not supplied in the command text. The param_routine argument is the address of a routine containing a required parameter that was not specified in the command_string argument. To specify the parameter routine, use the address of LIB$GET_ INPUT or the address of a routine of your own that has the same three-argument calling format as LIB$GET_INPUT. See the description of LIB$GET_INPUT in the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual for information about the calling format. If LIB$GET_INPUT returns error status, CLI$DCL_PARSE propagates the error status outward or signals RMS$_EOF in the cases listed in the Description help topic. You can obtain the prompt string for a required parameter from the command table specified in the table argument. prompt_routine OpenVMS usage:procedure type: procedure value access: read only mechanism: by reference Name of a routine to obtain all or part of the text of a command. The prompt_routine argument is the address of a routine to obtain the text or the remaining text of the command depending on the command_string argument. If you specify a zero in the command_ string argument, DCL uses this routine to obtain an entire command line. DCL uses this routine to obtain a continued command line if the command string (obtained from the command_string argument) contains a hyphen to indicate that the string is being continued. To specify the prompt routine, use the address of LIB$GET_INPUT or the address of a routine of your own that has the same three- argument calling format as LIB$GET_INPUT. See the description of LIB$GET_INPUT in the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual for information about the calling format. If LIB$GET_INPUT returns error status, CLI$DCL_PARSE propagates the error status outward or signals RMS$_EOF in the cases listed in the Description help topic. prompt_string OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor Character string containing a prompt. The prompt_string argument is the address of a string descriptor pointing to the prompt string to be passed as the second argument to the prompt_routine argument. If DCL is using the prompt routine to obtain a continuation line, DCL inserts an underscore character before the first character of the prompt string to create the continuation prompt. If DCL is using the prompt routine to obtain an entire command line (that is, a zero was specified as the command_string argument), DCL uses the prompt string exactly as specified. The prompt string is limited to 32 characters. The string COMMAND> is the default prompt string.
3 – Description
The CLI$DCL_PARSE routine supplies a command string to DCL for parsing. DCL parses the command string according to the syntax in the command table specified in the table argument. The CLI$DCL_PARSE routine can prompt for required parameters if you specify a parameter routine in the routine call. In addition, the CLI$DCL_PARSE routine can prompt for entire or continued command lines if you supply the address of a prompt routine. If you do not specify a command string to parse and the user enters a null string in response to the DCL prompt for a command string, CLI$DCL_PARSE immediately terminates and returns the status CLI$_NOCOMD. If DCL prompts for a required parameter and the user presses Ctrl/Z, CLI$DCL_PARSE immediately terminates and returns the status CLI$_NOCOMD, regardless of whether you specify or do not specify a command string to parse. If DCL prompts for a parameter that is not required and the user presses Ctrl/Z, CLI$DCL_PARSE returns the status CLI$_NORMAL. Whenever CLI$DCL_PARSE encounters an error, it both signals and returns the error.
4 – Condition Values Returned
CLI$_INVREQTYP Calling process did not have a CLI to perform this function, or the CLI did not support the request. CLI$_IVKEYW Invalid keyword. CLI$_IVQUAL Unrecognized qualifier. CLI$_IVVERB Invalid or missing verb. CLI$_NOCOMD Routine terminated. You entered a null string in response to a prompt from the prompt_ routine argument, causing the CLI$DCL_PARSE routine to terminate. CLI$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. CLI$_ONEVAL List of values not allowed; enter one only. RMS$_EOF Routine terminated. You pressed Ctrl/Z in response to a prompt, causing the CLI$DCL_ PARSE routine to terminate.