Invokes the Backup utility (BACKUP) to perform the following BACKUP operations: o Make copies of disk files. o Save disk files to a BACKUP save set. o Restore files from a BACKUP save set to disk. o Compare disk files with other disk files or files in a BACKUP save set. o List information about the files in a BACKUP save set. o Create and list BACKUP journal files. The two ways to back up your system disk are: o If you have access to the CD-ROM for the current version of OpenVMS Alpha, Integrity servers, or VAX, you can use the menu system supplied on the CD-ROM to back up your system disk. o If you do not have access to the CD-ROM for the current version of OpenVMS VAX, you must use standalone BACKUP to back up your system disk (VAX only). Standalone BACKUP is a form of the Backup utility (VAX only) that you boot into main memory (instead of executing under the control of the operating system). For more information about BACKUP and standalone BACKUP tasks, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Format: BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier
1 – Parameters
input-specifier Specifies the input for the BACKUP operation as either a file specification, a BACKUP save-set specification, or a device name. If the input specifier is a save-set specification on disk, you must include the input save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET. You can specify DECnet node names in save-set specifications only. You can use wildcards characters in file specifications, and in save-set specifications if they are on magnetic tape. output-specifier Specifies the output for the BACKUP operation. The output specifier, like the input specifier, can be either a file specification, a BACKUP save-set specification, or a device name. If the output specifier is a save-set specification on disk, you must include the output save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET. You can specify DECnet node names in save-set specifications only. You can use wildcard characters when the output specifier is a Files-11 volume, but not when the output specifier is a BACKUP save-set specifier or a volume created by a BACKUP/PHYSICAL or BACKUP/IMAGE operation.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /ALIAS
/ALIAS save-set-spec (default) /NOALIAS NOTE Use the /ALIAS qualifier only when you are restoring very old save sets (from OpenVMS Version 6.2 or earlier). The current default behavior is correct in nearly every other situation. If you are in doubt about using this qualifier, contact your HP support representative.
/ASSIST (default) /NOASSIST Allows operator or user intervention during a BACKUP operation if a magnetic tape mount request fails or if an operation requires another volume. The /ASSIST qualifier causes BACKUP to send messages to operator terminals when a failure occurs during a BACKUP mount request or when an operation requires another volume. The default is /ASSIST. If you specify /NOASSIST, mount messages appear on your terminal and are not sent to the operator. The /NOASSIST qualifier has no effect if the logical name SYS$COMMAND points to a device that is not a terminal (as is the case when you run BACKUP in a batch job).
Selects files according to the BACKUP date written in the file header record by the BACKUP/RECORD command. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier, either of which provides the system time value BACKUP uses to determine whether to process a file. When you use /BACKUP with /BEFORE, files with a BACKUP date prior to the specified date or time are selected. Files with no BACKUP date (that is, /RECORD was not specified when the file was saved or copied) are also selected. When you use /BACKUP with /SINCE, files with a BACKUP date equal to or later than the specified date or time are selected. Files with no BACKUP date (that is, /RECORD was not specified when the file was saved or copied) are not selected. Use the /BACKUP file-selection qualifier only with Files-11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 volumes. You cannot use /BACKUP with the /CREATED, /MODIFIED, or /EXPIRED qualifiers in an image operation or in a physical operation.
/BEFORE=time Selects files dated earlier than the date and time you specify. Specify the date and time as a delta time or as an absolute time using the format [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]][]. You can also use one of the following reserved words to specify the date and time: BACKUP The BACKUP date of the file written by a previous BACKUP/RECORD operation (available only on Files-11 Structure Levels 2 or 5 volumes) TODAY The current day, month, and year at 00:00:00.0 o'clock TOMORROW 24 hours after midnight last night YESTERDAY 24 hours before midnight last night The /BEFORE qualifier is not valid in incremental restore operations.
/BLOCK_SIZE=n Specifies the output block size, in bytes, for data records in BACKUP save sets and in disk-to-disk copies. You can specify a block size between 2048 and 65,535 bytes. BACKUP may adjust this value according to the constraints of the BACKUP format. The default block size for magnetic tapes is 8192 bytes. The default for disks is 32,256 bytes. For a disk-to-disk operation, the block size specifies the internal size of the copy buffers. The default block size in this case is 33,040 bytes.
2.6 /BRIEF
Causes the /LIST qualifier to display the file specification, size (in blocks), and creation date for each file in the save set. The /BRIEF qualifier is valid only with the /LIST qualifier and is the default format for BACKUP listings.
/BUFFER_COUNT=n This qualifier is obsolete. You can still specify the /BUFFER_ COUNT qualifier, although it has no effect. (This ensures that command procedures containing this qualifier will still operate correctly.) HP recommends that you remove the /BUFFER_COUNT qualifier from command procedures.
/BY_OWNER[=[uic]] /BY_OWNER[=option] As an input file-selection qualifier, /BY_OWNER causes BACKUP to process files owned by the specified UIC. Specify the UIC as octal numbers or in alphanumeric format (in the form [g,m]). Note that the UIC specification must include the brackets. UIC formats are described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. If you specify this qualifier without a UIC, the default UIC is the current process UIC. If you do not specify this qualifier, BACKUP processes all files on the volume. As an output file qualifier, /BY_OWNER redefines the owner UIC for each file restored during the operation. As an output save- set qualifier, /BY_OWNER specifies the owner UIC of the save set. If you omit the /BY_OWNER qualifier, the save set receives the UIC of the current process. To use /BY_OWNER as an output save- set qualifier, you must have the SYSPRV user privilege or the UIC must be your own.
/COMMENT=string Places the string that you supply into the BACKUP summary record of the output save set. Enclose the string in quotation marks ("a string") if it contains a space or nonalphanumeric characters. A DCL command can contain a maximum of 1024 characters.
Causes BACKUP to compare the contents of the first parameter with the contents of the second parameter. The first parameter can be a Files-11 file, a wildcard character representing a group of files, a BACKUP save set, or a disk device. The second parameter must be a Files-11 disk file or files, or a Files-11 disk device. Unless you also specify the /PHYSICAL qualifier, the disk volume must be a Files-11 volume. If a file does not compare successfully, BACKUP displays an error message.
Displays prompts on your terminal for confirmation before processing each file. If you want the file to be processed, enter Y or YES and press Return.
/CONVERT /NOCONVERT Converts ODS-5 file names to ODS-2 file names. To preserve the output volume as ODS-2, you must also use the /NOINIT qualifier. Be aware that all ODS-5 file attributes are lost if you convert from an ODS-5 file name to an ODS-2 file name. You can also use the /NOCONVERT qualifier.
2.13 /CRC
/CRC (default) /NOCRC As an input save-set qualifier, /CRC causes the software cyclic redundancy check (CRC) encoded in the save set's data blocks to be checked (/CRC) or ignored (/NOCRC). If you ignore the CRC encoding, you reduce processing time at the risk of increasing data error. As an output save-set qualifier, /CRC specifies that software CRC checking code is to be computed and stored in the data blocks of the output save set. To disable CRC checking, use the /NOCRC qualifier.
Selects files according to the value of the creation date field in each file header record. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier, either of which provides the system time value BACKUP uses to determine whether to process a file.
Use this qualifier for creating and restoring compressed save sets. You can specify the /DATA_FORMAT qualifier anywhere on the BACKUP command line.
2.16 /DELETE
Specifies that a BACKUP save or copy operation is to delete the selected input files from the input volume after all files have been successfully processed. Sufficient user privilege is required to delete files. If you use /DELETE with the /VERIFY qualifier, files that fail verification are not deleted.
/DENSITY=n Specifies the recording density of the output magnetic tape. Use a value that is supported by the magnetic tape drive. If you do not specify the /DENSITY qualifier, the default density is the current density of the magnetic tape drive. You must specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with /DENSITY.
/ENCRYPT=([key] [,ALGORITHM=algorithm]) Creates and restores encrypted save sets. Specify the /ENCRYPT qualifier anywhere on the BACKUP command line. NOTE Standalone BACKUP, which is a version of the BACKUP utility that runs without the support of the OpenVMS operating system, does not support the /ENCRYPT qualifier. Optionally, you can specify either a key name or a key value, but not both. If you have already defined a key value using the DCL command ENCRYPT/CREATE_KEY, you can specify /ENCRYPT=NAME=key- name to identify the key name that was created and stored in the key storage table. To define a key value interactively, specify /ENCRYPT=VALUE=key- value, where key-value is one of the following: o 1 to 243 alphanumeric characters enclosed in quotation marks (""). Dollar signs ($) and underscores (_) are valid characters. The key is not case sensitive. o A hexadecimal constant using the digits 0 to 9 and A to F. NOTE For additional security, specify the /ENCRYPT qualifier with no parameters and press Return. The command prompts you for a key value. When you enter a value, the software does not echo what you type and, for verification, prompts you to retype the value.
Depending on the other qualifiers you specify on the command line, the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier allows you to perform the following actions: o Specify the exact order of tape volume labels that you want to use in a BACKUP operation. o Preserve the existing volume label on a tape. o Prevent previous volumes of a multivolume save operation from being overwritten.
/EXCLUDE=(file-spec[,...]) Excludes files that otherwise meet the selection criteria for a save or copy operation. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. Do not use a device specification when defining the files to be excluded. You can use most standard wildcard characters, but you cannot use wildcard characters denoting latest versions of files (;) or relative versions of files (;-n). If you specify directory files (files with the file type .DIR), your command is processed but the directory files are not excluded (they are processed). You cannot use the /EXCLUDE qualifier in image restore operations.
Selects files according to the value of the expiration date field in each file header record. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier, either of which provides the system time value BACKUP uses to determine whether to process a file.
2.22 /FAST
Processes an input Files-11 disk using a fast file scan. The fast file scan reads the index file on the Files-11 disk specified by the input specifier and creates a table of files that match the qualifiers you specified. A fast file scan is most useful when the input specifier includes most files on the volume and file-selection qualifiers (such as those that pertain to date or owner) specify a relatively small set of the files named. To perform a fast file scan, you need write access to the INDEXF.SYS file on the input medium or the input medium must be write-locked.
/FILES_SELECTED=file-spec output-specifier Specifies a file that contains a list of the files that will be selected when a save set is restored.
2.24 /FULL
Displays the information produced by the /LIST command qualifier in a format similar to that displayed by the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL. If you do not specify /FULL, the /LIST qualifier displays a brief summary of the information (/BRIEF). You must specify the /LIST qualifier with the /FULL qualifier.
/GROUP_SIZE=n Defines the number of blocks BACKUP places in each redundancy group. The value of n must be 0 to 100. If you define a value of 0 for /GROUP_SIZE, no redundancy groups are created for the save set. /GROUP_SIZE=10 is the default value.
Specifies that only the file headers of a file are to be saved in a BACKUP operation.
2.27 /IGNORE
/IGNORE=option Specifies that a BACKUP save or copy operation will override restrictions placed on files or will not perform tape label processing checks. NOTE File system interlocks are expressly designed to prevent data corruptions, and to allow applications to detect and report data access conflicts. Use of the INTERLOCK keyword overrides these file data integrity interlocks. The data that BACKUP subsequently transfers can then contain corrupted data for open files. Also, all cases in which these data corruptions can occur in the data that BACKUP transfers are not reliably reported to you; in other words, silent data corruptions are possible within the transferred data. The /IGNORE= qualifier has the following options: ACCESSIBILITY Processes files on a tape that is protected by a volume accessibility character, or on a tape created by HSC Backup. The option applies only to tapes. It affects the first tape mounted and all subsequent tapes in the save set. INTERLOCK Processes files that otherwise could not be processed due to file access conflicts. Use this option to save or copy files currently open for writing. You must have the user privilege SYSPRV, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume to use this option. See the Note before this table for more information about this keyword. LABEL_ Saves or copies the contents of files to the PROCESSING specified magnetic tape volume regardless of the information contained in the volume header record. BACKUP does not verify the volume label or expiration date before writing information to the tape volume. Note that you cannot use this option with the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier. LIMIT Prevents the target device from inheriting the volume expansion limit. NOBACKUP Saves or copies both the file header record and the contents of files marked with the NOBACKUP flag by the /NOBACKUP qualifier of the DCL command SET FILE. If you do not specify this option, BACKUP saves only the file header record of files marked with the NOBACKUP flag.
2.28 /IMAGE
Directs BACKUP to process an entire volume or volume set. Beginning in Version 8.2, this qualifier has been supported for Integrity servers disk. The image of an Integrity servers disk can be saved and restored on either Alpha or Integrity servers. Using this qualifier produces a functionally equivalent copy of the original volume or volume set. To use the /IMAGE command qualifier, you need write access to both the index file (INDEXF.SYS) and the bit map file (BITMAP.SYS), or the input medium must be write-locked. In save and copy operations, you cannot use input file-selection qualifiers with the /IMAGE command qualifier because BACKUP saves or copies all files on the input disk volumes. In restore and copy operations, every file is restored or copied. The output volume must be mounted using the /FOREIGN qualifier. The new volume is a functionally equivalent copy of the input volume; however, the file placement will change. An image restore or copy operation initializes the output volume or volume set. The initialization data comes from the save- volume summary record of the input volume, unless the command qualifier /NOINITIALIZE directs BACKUP to initialize the output volume using volume initialization data that already exists on the output volume. A BACKUP operation to mixed tape and disk save sets, as shown in the following command, is unsupported: $ BACKUP SYS$DISK:/IMAGE DKA0:FUN,MKA0:/SAVE/REW Beginning in OpenVMS Version 7.2, when you use the BACKUP/IMAGE command to restore or copy a volume, the BACKUP utility preserves the cluster factor. Note that copying a volume with a bitmap smaller than 255 blocks to a significantly larger disk might result in a bitmap larger than 255 blocks on the destination disk. (You cannot mount such a disk on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 and earlier system.)
NOTE /INCREMENTAL is valid only in restore operations. It is not related to the /NOINCREMENTAL qualifier, which is valid only in BACKUP save operations. Allows you to restore a disk volume from a series of incremental save sets. When processed correctly, the output disk volume will contain the same files it contained when the most recent incremental save operation was performed. BACKUP does not create files on the output disk volume that were deleted in the period in which the incremental backups were performed. When you use /INCREMENTAL in a restore operation, you must specify a device as the output specifier; file specifications are invalid. When you specify the /INCREMENTAL qualifier, BACKUP restores files using the /BY_OWNER=ORIGINAL qualifier.
/INITIALIZE /NOINITIALIZE Initializes an output disk or tape volume, making its entire previous contents unavailable. (/REWIND performs the same function for output tapes.) This qualifier is valid only when used with the /IMAGE qualifier during restore or copy operations or when saving files to a sequential-disk save set. The default is /INITIALIZE for Files-11 volumes and /NOINITIALIZE for sequential-disk volumes.
Directs BACKUP to treat the input-specifier as the file name of a list of files. This file specifies the input files for a BACKUP operation.
Directs BACKUP to process files in a manner suitable for data interchange (software distribution) by excluding information that would prevent other utilities or sites from reading the BACKUP save set. The /INTERCHANGE qualifier implies /CONVERT when the input is an ODS-5 disk or file. (You can also specify /NOCONVERT with the /INTERCHANGE qualifier.) The effects of the /INTERCHANGE qualifier are as follows: o Directories not selected as files are not copied. o Access control lists are not copied. o Block size on magnetic tape is limited to 8192 bytes. o Normal error recovery is used to write magnetic tapes so that no bad records exist on the resulting magnetic tape.
2.33 /IO_LOAD
/IO_LOAD[=n] Beginning in OpenVMS Version 8.3, BACKUP is optimized to work more efficiently with new storage controllers. You can use the /IO_LOAD qualifier to increase or decrease the number of simultaneous I/Os issued by the BACKUP utility. The default is 8 I/Os. The minimum is 2 I/Os. If the /IO_LOAD qualifier is omitted from the command line, the default number of outstanding I/Os is still 8.
/JOURNAL[=file-spec] Specifies that a BACKUP save operation is to create, or append information to, a BACKUP journal file. The BACKUP journal file contains an on-disk record of BACKUP save operations and saved files. To list the contents of a backup journal file, enter a BACKUP/JOURNAL/LIST command without an input or output specifier.
2.35 /LABEL
/LABEL=(string[,...]) Specifies the 1- to 6-character volume labels for the magnetic tapes to which the save set is written. If you do not specify the /LABEL qualifier, BACKUP uses the first six characters of the save-set name as the volume label of the first tape. If the save set continues to another tape, and you did not specify a volume label for the tape, BACKUP uses the first four characters of the previous tape's volume label followed by the volume number of the tape. For example, if the first tape in a save set is labeled AAAABB, the second tape in a sequence is labeled AAAA02, and the third tape is labeled AAAA03. You can specify the command qualifier /IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING to prevent BACKUP from verifying the volume label of the tape. You can also use the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier to specify the exact order of tape volume labels that you want to use in a BACKUP operation.
2.36 /LIMIT
/LIMIT[=n] The /LIMIT qualifier allows you to specify the expansion size limit during restore or save operations. Therefore, you can override the value stored in the saveset header. (This matches the way the /LIMIT qualifier of the INITIALIZE utility works.)
2.37 /LIST
/LIST[=file-spec] Lists information about a BACKUP save set and about the files in a save set. You can display the list on your terminal or write it to a file. You can use this qualifier with any operation (save, restore, copy, compare, or journal). If you specify /LIST by itself (not in conjunction with another operation), the input specifier must be a save set; you cannot specify an output specifier. You can use /LIST with either /BRIEF or /FULL command qualifiers. The default is /BRIEF. Do not use /LOG together with /LIST when the output for /LIST is directed to the terminal; you will receive confusing output.
2.38 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (default) Determines whether the file specification of each file processed is displayed on SYS$OUTPUT during the operation. The default is /NOLOG. Displays at your terminal the file specification of each file processed during the BACKUP operation (/LOG) or suppresses the display (/NOLOG). The default is /NOLOG. Do not use /LOG together with /LIST when the output for /LIST is directed to the terminal; you will receive confusing output.
/MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION Controls whether data records are automatically compacted and blocked together. Data compaction and record blocking increase the amount of data that can be stored on a single tape cartridge. The compaction ratio depends on the data and the tape drive you use. For more information, see the documentation supplied with your tape drive. BACKUP allows you to specify different compaction settings on different save sets on a tape. However, not all tape drives support the use of more than one compaction setting on a tape. Whether mixed mode tapes are permitted depends on the model of the tape drive you use.
Selects files according to the value of the modified date field (the date the file was last modified) in each file header record. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier, either of which provides the system time value BACKUP uses to determine whether to process a file.
Creates a new version of a file if a file with an identical specification already exists at the location to which the file is being restored or copied. The new file is created with the same name and type and a version number one higher than the highest existing version. By default, BACKUP does not restore a file with the same file name, file type, and version number as a file that already exists in a directory. Rather, BACKUP issues an error message and does not restore the file. The /OVERLAY and /REPLACE qualifiers also override this default, but produce different results than the /NEW_VERSION qualifier. Note that when copying or restoring files using the /NEW_VERSION qualifier, files are processed in decreasing version number order and are created in ascending order. The result is that the version numbers are inverted. Because this qualifier causes version numbers to change, do not use the /NEW_VERSION qualifier with the /COMPARE or /VERIFY qualifier.
NOTE /NOINCREMENTAL is valid only in BACKUP save operations. It is not related to the /INCREMENTAL qualifier, which is valid only in restore operations. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, on a save operation, /NOINCREMENTAL allows you to control the amount of file data that is saved. Use this qualifier only if you are sure that you want to save specific files and do not want to save all data. In recent versions of OpenVMS, the /SINCE=BACKUP incremental save operation has been refined so that files that are saved are accurate and not redundant. As a result, the /NOINCREMENTAL and /SINCE=BACKUP qualifiers are not allowed together. This ensures an accurate /INCREMENTAL restore. /NOINCREMENTAL is valid only in BACKUP save operations. It is not related to the /INCREMENTAL qualifier, which is valid only in restore operations.
Writes over an existing file when an identically-named file is encountered during the restore operation. If the identically- named files are not the same size, the file is extended (when the file being restored is larger) or retains its allocation (when the file being restored is smaller). By default, BACKUP does not restore a file with the same file name, file type, and version number as a file that already exists in a directory. Rather, BACKUP issues an error message and does not restore the file. The /NEW_VERSION and /REPLACE qualifiers also override this default, but produce different results than the /OVERLAY qualifier.
The /OWNER_UIC qualifier has been superseded by /BY_OWNER. HP recommends that you substitute /BY_OWNER for /OWNER_UIC in command procedures and operator instructions. See the description of /BY_OWNER for more information.
Specifies that BACKUP is to ignore any volume structure on the input device and is to process the volume in terms of physical blocks. If you write a save set with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command, you must also restore it with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command. For physical copy operations between disks, the output device must be either the same size or a larger-capacity disk. If the output device is larger than the input device, only disk blocks less than the size of the input device are written to the output device. Depending on the volume structure of the input device, the extra uninitialized blocks at the end of the output device might create an unusable disk volume. If the input device contains a FILES-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume, you can expand the volume size on the output device after the restore by using the DCL command SET VOLUME/LIMIT/SIZE. For all physical operations, the output disk cannot have a bad block in any location that corresponds to a good block on the input disk. (This restriction does not apply to RA or more recent disk architectures.)
/PROGRESS_REPORT=n Use the /PROGRESS_REPORT qualifier to display the progress of a BACKUP operation on the current output device in every 'n' seconds. This qualifier expects an integer value from the user and does not have any default value. (When you use BACKUP to back up or restore data interactively, press Ctrl/T to display the progress of the operation.)
/PROTECTION[=(code)] Defines the protection you want applied to a save set on a disk or to a magnetic tape volume. The code indicates the type of access (read, write, execute, and delete) available to the four categories of users (system, owner, group, and world). Protection information applies to all save sets stored on a tape. If you write the save set to either a Files-11 disk or a sequential disk without using the /PROTECTION qualifier, the default is the process default protection. To initialize a magnetic tape with the correct protection, specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with the /PROTECTION qualifier. If you do not specify /REWIND with /PROTECTION, the protection information, if any, in the volume header record is not changed. However, specifying /PROTECTION without /REWIND ensures that continuation volumes receive the correct protection.
2.48 /RECORD
Records the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of each file header record once a file is successfully saved or copied. If you do not specify the /RECORD qualifier, BACKUP does not change the BACKUP date field of each processed file. Observe the following restrictions: o The /RECORD qualifier is valid only with Files-11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 volumes. o To use the /RECORD qualifier you must either own the file or have SYSPRV privileges. o You cannot use the /RECORD qualifier with the /DELETE qualifier. o You can use the /RECORD qualifier in BACKUP save or copy operations only.
Dismounts and unloads a tape after a BACKUP save operation writes a save set to the tape (and optionally verifies the saveset information on that tape). By using the /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier in conjunction with either the /DELETE or /RECORD qualifiers, you can make a tape drive available for other operations before the BACKUP command completes. The tape remains allocated until you enter the DEALLOCATE command.
2.50 /REPAIR
Helps BACKUP to reset the RMS file attribute of a saveset file which gets corrupted while saveset is transferred through World Wide Web (WWW) or copied using FTP or compressed and uncompressed using ZIP. You can use the /REPAIR qualifier repair the saveset attributes.
When you use /REPLACE in a copy or restore operation, and an identically named file exists in both the input and output specifiers, BACKUP performs the following tasks: o Copies or restores a new version of the file with the same directory specification, file name, type, and version number o Deletes the copy of the file that previously existed on the output disk In this way, the previous copy of the file is replaced with the restored version. Note that the version number is not incremented because the old copy of the file is deleted. If you want to keep the versions from both the input and the output specifiers, use the output file qualifier /NEW_VERSION. If you do not use /REPLACE, /OVERLAY, or /NEW_VERSION, and the version number of the file being restored is identical to the version number of the existing file, BACKUP reports an error and does not restore the file.
2.52 /REWIND
/REWIND /NOREWIND (default) As an input save-set qualifier, causes the input tape reel to be rewound (/REWIND) or not rewound (/NOREWIND) to beginning-of-tape (BOT) before BACKUP searches for the save-set name specified in the input specifier. As an output save-set qualifier, specifies that the output magnetic tape is to be rewound and initialized before the save operation begins (/REWIND) or that the tape is neither to be rewound nor initialized before the save operation begins (/NOREWIND). Initializing the tape removes access to any existing data on the tape. If you want to start processing at BOT, and the magnetic tape is already positioned beyond BOT, specify /REWIND. Otherwise, the magnetic tape begins (or resumes) processing from the logical end-of-tape (EOT) marker. Use the /[NO]REWIND qualifier for magnetic tape save sets only.
2.53 /SAVE_SET
Defines the input or output specifier as a BACKUP save set. Normally, BACKUP treats specifiers that refer to disk files as Files-11 files and specifiers that refer to tapes as BACKUP save sets. You must specify the /SAVE_SET qualifier when the input or output specifier is a BACKUP save set on a Files-11 disk.
2.54 /SELECT
/SELECT /SELECT=(file-spec[,...]) Selects the specified files for processing. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. Do not use a device specification when you define the files to be selected. You can use most standard wildcard characters, but you cannot use wildcard characters denoting latest version of files (;) and relative versions of files (;-n). You cannot use the /SELECT qualifier in image save operations.
2.55 /SINCE
/SINCE=time Selects files dated equal to or later than the specified date and time. You can enter the time in either absolute time or delta time. Specify these time values according to the rules described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. You can also specify the time using one of the following options: BACKUP The BACKUP/RECORD operation (available only on Files- 11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 volumes) TODAY The current day, month, and year at 00:00:00.0 o'clock TOMORROW 24 hours after midnight last night YESTERDAY 24 hours before midnight last night
2.56 /SIZE
/SIZE = [n] The logical volume size is recorded in the save-set header during a backup operation. By default, during a restore operation, the logical volume size is not preserved because restoring a save set of 2 GB to a 4-GB disk, for example, results in only 2 GB of available disk space. The /SIZE qualifier, however, allows you to preserve the logical volume size on the target device. Alternatively, you can specify the logical volume size of the target device by using the optional keyword value n.
/TAPE_EXPIRATION=dd-mmm-yyyy Writes a file expiration date other than the current date to the file header label of the save set. HP recommends that you specify an expiration date whenever you create a BACKUP save set on magnetic tape using /REWIND. Daily BACKUP tapes should expire in seven days, weekly BACKUP tapes should expire in one month, and monthly BACKUP tapes should expire in one year. Specify the date in absolute time format, according to the rules described the OpenVMS User's Manual. If you do not specify an expiration date, today's date is written to the volume header record when you perform a save operation using /REWIND.
/TRUNCATE /NOTRUNCATE (default) Controls whether a copy or restore operation truncates a sequential output file at the end-of-file (EOF) when creating it. By default, a copy or restore operation uses the allocation of the input file to determine the size of the output file.
2.59 /VERIFY
Specifies that the contents of the output specifier be compared with the contents of the input specifier after a save, restore, or copy operation is completed. If a file does not compare successfully, BACKUP displays an error message.
2.60 /VOLUME
/VOLUME=n Indicates that a specific disk volume in a disk volume set is to be processed. The /VOLUME qualifier is valid only when used with the /IMAGE qualifier. Using this qualifier allows you to perform BACKUP operations on a disk volume set when you have only one disk drive with which to perform BACKUP operations.
3 – Examples
1.$ BACKUP _From: DBA1:[000000...] _To: MTA0:13NOVBAK.BCK,MTA1:/LABEL=(DLY101,DLY102) This BACKUP command saves the entire contents of the disk DBA1 onto a multivolume tape save set. This command does not initialize the first tape in the save set, but does initialize subsequent tapes. The first tape in the save set must be labeled DLY101 and the second tape in the save set must be labeled DLY102. 2.$ BACKUP [PLI.WORK]/SINCE=YESTERDAY/MODIFIED [PLI.SAV] This BACKUP command copies selected files in the directory [PLI.WORK] to the directory [PLI.SAV]. BACKUP processes only those files that have been modified since 24 hours preceding midnight last night. Note that the /MODIFIED qualifier is not required, as its action is the default when the /SINCE qualifier is specified. 3.$ BACKUP DBA2:[PLI.WORK]*.*; DBA3:[SAVE]23MAR82.BCK/SAVE_SET This BACKUP command saves the highest version of each file in directory [PLI.WORK] to a disk save set on DBA3. The /SAVE_ SET qualifier is required because the output save set is on a Files-11 disk. 4.$ BACKUP/PHYSICAL DYA0: DYA1: This BACKUP command copies the entire RX02 floppy disk mounted on device DYA0 to the RX02 floppy disk mounted on device DYA1. Both devices must have been mounted with the DCL command MOUNT/FOREIGN. 5.$ BACKUP _From: DB1:[SCHED]*.* _To: DENVER::DBA2:[SAVE]SCH.BCK/SAVE_SET This BACKUP command saves all files in the directory SCHED on disk DB1 at the local node to the network save set SCH.BCK at remote node DENVER. The /SAVE_SET qualifier is required to identify the output specifier as a save set on a Files-11 disk. 6.$ BACKUP/LIST DENVER::DBA2:[SAVE]SCH.BCK/SAVE_SET This BACKUP command lists the BACKUP summary information, the original BACKUP command used, and the file name, size, and creation date for each file in the save set created in the previous example. The /SAVE_SET qualifier is required to identify the input specifier as a save set on a Files-11 device. 7.$ BACKUP MTA0:NOV2SAVE.BCK/REWIND/SELECT=[USER...] [USER...] This command restores files from the magnetic tape save set named NOV2SAVE.BCK to the directory tree from which they were saved (the [USER] directory tree). The /REWIND qualifier directs BACKUP to rewind the tape to the beginning-of-tape before beginning the restore operation. 8.$ BACKUP WORK$:[TESTFILES...]*.*;* MUA0:TEST.SAV - _$ /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION /REWIND This command saves all files in the directory [TESTFILES] and its subdirectories to a save set named TEST.SAV using a TA90E tape drive. The /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION qualifier specifies that the tape drive automatically compacts and blocks together data records on the tape. 9.$ BACKUP/IMAGE/RECORD/VERIFY/NOASSIST _From: DKA100: _To: MKB100:MAR11.SAV/LABEL=(TAPE1,TAPE2,TAPE3)/EXACT_ORDER This example uses the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier to specify the exact order of labels for the BACKUP operation. Note that if you specify the /ASSIST qualifier, BACKUP would display messages on the operator terminal. BACKUP performs the following tasks: a. Compares the volume label of the tape in MKB100: with the first label that you specified on the command line (TAPE1). If the labels match exactly, BACKUP begins the save operation. If the labels do not match or if the tape does not have an ANSI label, BACKUP displays the following message: %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 1 on MKB100: was not mounted because its label does not match the one requested %BACKUP-W-EXLABEER, volume label processing failed because volume TAPE4 is out of order, Volume label TAPE1 was expected specify option (QUIT, NEW tape, OVERWRITE tape, USE loaded tape) BACKUP> OVERWRITE Depending on the option you specify, you can quit the backup operation (QUIT), dismount the old tape and mount a new one (NEW), overwrite the label and the data on the tape (OVERWRITE), or write the data to the tape using the loaded tape's label (USE). b. When the operation fills the first tape, it displays the following message: %BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2 %BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume TAPE2 on MKB100: for writing Respond with YES when ready: c. When you load the second tape and enter YES, BACKUP compares the label of the second tape with the second label you specified on the command line (TAPE2) just as it did in step 1a. d. Assuming the volume labels match, BACKUP continues processing until it completes the operation or runs out of volume labels. If you do not specify enough labels on the command line to complete the operation, BACKUP prompts you to enter a label for the tape in the drive as follows: %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 4 on MKB100: was not mounted because the label was not specified specify EXACT_ORDER label (up to 6 characters) BACKUP> BACKUP then compares the label on the tape with label you specify as described previously. 10$ BACKUP/IMAGE/RECORD/VERIFY/NOASSIST _From: DKA100:[TEST] _To: MKB100:MAR11.SAV/EXACT_ORDER Because this example does not use the /LABEL qualifier, BACKUP uses the existing label on the tape. If the tape does not have an ANSI label, and it is the first tape in the operation, BACKUP displays the following error message: %BACKUP-F-NOTANSI, tape is not valid ANSI format If the tape does not have an ANSI label, and is not the first tape in the operation, BACKUP displays the following error message prompting you to specify a label: %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 2 on MKB100: was not mounted because the label was not specified specify EXACT_ORDER label (up to 6 characters) BACKUP> NOTE BACKUP checks to make sure you specify a valid label. If the label is not valid (for example, longer than six characters), BACKUP displays an error message. In previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system, BACKUP truncated long volume labels.
/WINDOW=[FULL]LIMITED Specifies the number of mapping pointers to be allocated for file windows. By default, file window has 7 mapping pointers and it increases as file is more fragmented. Window is taken from nonpaged pool and is charged against process BYTLM quota. This may result in performance degrade when BACKUP tries to map the 8th extent of the file. Contiguous files are always completely mapped, but noncontiguous files may or may not be completely mapped. You can use the following keywords with the /WINDOW qualifier: FULL Default full mapping. LIMITED Optional limited size window.