1 – Overview
The Audit Analysis utility (ANALYZE/AUDIT) processes event messages in security audit log files to produce reports of security-related events on the system. Format ANALYZE/AUDIT [file-spec[,...]] file-spec[,...] Specifies one or more security audit log files as input to ANALYZE/AUDIT. If you specify more than one file name, separate the names with commas. If you omit the file-spec parameter, the utility searches for the default audit log file SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL. The default audit log file is created in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] directory. To use the file, specify SYS$MANAGER on the ANALYZE/AUDIT command line. If you do not specify a directory, the utility searches for the file in the current directory. You can include wildcard characters, such as the asterisk (*) or percent sign (%), in the file specification. The audit log file can be located in any directory. To display the current location, use the DCL command SHOW AUDIT/ALL.
2 – Qualifiers
Qualifier Description /BEFORE Controls whether records dated earlier than the specified time are selected /BINARY Controls whether output is a binary file /BRIEF Controls whether a brief, single-line record format is used in ASCII displays /EVENT_TYPE Selects the classes of events to be extracted from the security log file /FULL Controls whether a full format is used in ASCII displays /IGNORE Excludes records from the report that match the specified criteria /INTERACTIVE Controls whether interactive command mode is enabled when ANALYZE/AUDIT is invoked /OUTPUT Specifies where to direct output from ANALYZE/AUDIT /PAUSE Specifies the length of time each record is displayed in a full format display /SELECT Specifies the criteria for selecting records /SINCE Indicates that the utility must operate on records dated with the specified time or after the specified time /SUMMARY Specifies that a summary of the selected records be produced after all records are processed
Controls whether records dated earlier than the specified time are selected. Format /BEFORE[=time] /NOBEFORE time Specifies the time used to select records. Records dated earlier than the specified time are selected. You can specify an absolute time, delta time, or a combination of the two. Observe the syntax rules for date and time described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.
3.1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /BEFORE=25-NOV-2005 - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects all records dated earlier than November 25, 2005. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /BEFORE=14:00/SINCE=12:00 - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects all records generated between noon and 2 P.M. today.
Controls whether output is a binary file. Format /BINARY /NOBINARY
4.1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /BINARY/SINCE=TODAY/OUTPUT=25OCT05.AUDIT - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects all audit records generated today and writes the records in binary format to 25OCT05.AUDIT.
Controls whether a brief, single-line record format is used in ASCII displays. Format /BRIEF (default)
5.1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /OUTPUT=AUDIT.LIS - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example produces an ASCII file in brief format by default. The report is written to the AUDIT.LIS file.
Selects the classes of events to be extracted from the security log file. If you omit the qualifier or specify the ALL keyword, the utility includes all enabled event classes in the report. Format /EVENT_TYPE=(event-type[,...]) event type[,...] Specifies the classes of events used to select records. You can specify any of the following event types: [NO]ACCESS Access to an object, such as a file [NO]ALL All event types [NO]AUDIT Use of the SET AUDIT command [NO]AUTHORIZATION Change to the authorization database (SYSUAF.DAT, RIGHTSLIST.DAT, NETPROXY.DAT, or NET$PROXY.DAT) [NO]BREAKIN Break-in detection [NO]CONNECTION Establishment of a network connection through the System Management utility (SYSMAN), DECwindows, or interprocess communication (IPC) software [NO]CREATE Creation of an object [NO]DEACCESS Completion of access to an object [NO]DELETE Deletion of an object [NO]INSTALL Modification of the known file list with the Install utility (INSTALL) [NO]LOGFAIL Unsuccessful login attempt [NO]LOGIN Successful login [NO]LOGOUT Successful logout [NO]MOUNT Execution of DCL commands MOUNT or DISMOUNT [NO]NCP Modification of the DECnet network configuration databases [NO]NETPROXY Modification of the network proxy authorization file (NETPROXY.DAT or NET$PROXY.DAT) [NO]PRIVILEGE Privilege auditing [NO]PROCESS Use of one or more of the process control system services: $CREPRC, $DELPRC, $SCHDWK, $CANWAK, $WAKE, $SUSPND, $RESUME, $GRANTID, $REVOKID, $GETJPI, $FORCEX, $SETPRI [NO]RIGHTSDB Modification of the rights database (RIGHTSLIST.DAT) [NO]SYSGEN Modification of system parameters through the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) or AUTOGEN [NO]SYSUAF Modification of the system user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT) [NO]TIME Change in system or cluster time Specifying the negated form of an event class (for example, NOLOGFAIL) excludes the specified event class from the audit report.
6.1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/EVENT_TYPE=LOGFAIL - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example extracts all records of unsuccessful login attempts, which match the LOGFAIL class, and compiles a brief report. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/EVENT_TYPE=(NOLOGIN,NOLOGOUT) - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example builds a report in brief format of all audit records except those in the LOGIN and LOGOUT event classes.
Controls whether a full format is used in ASCII displays. If you specify /NOFULL or omit the qualifier, records are displayed in the brief format. Format /FULL /NOFULL (default)
7.1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /FULL - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example displays the full contents of each selected record.
Excludes records from the report that match the specified criteria. Format /IGNORE=criteria[,...] criteria[,...] Specifies that all records are selected except those matching any of the specified exclusion criteria. See the /SELECT qualifier description for a list of the possible criteria to use with the /IGNORE qualifier.
Controls whether interactive command mode is enabled when ANALYZE/AUDIT is invoked. Format /INTERACTIVE (default) /NOINTERACTIVE
9.1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example produces a full format display of the selected records. New records are displayed every 3 seconds. (See the /PAUSE qualifier description to find how to modify the duration of each record display.) Press Ctrl/C to interrupt the display and to enter interactive commands. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL/NOINTERACTIVE - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example invokes the utility in noninteractive mode. It displays the first record selected and prompts you to press the Return key to display each additional selected record. Control returns to the DCL command level when all selected records have been displayed.
Specifies where to direct output from ANALYZE/AUDIT. If you omit the qualifier, the report is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. Format /OUTPUT[=file-spec] /NOOUTPUT file-spec[,...] Specifies the name of the file that is to contain the selected records. If you omit the device and directory specification, the utility uses the current device and directory specification. If you omit the file name and type, the default file name AUDIT.LIS is used. If the output is binary (/BINARY) and you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, the binary information is written to the file AUDIT.AUDIT$JOURNAL.
10.1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /BINARY/OUTPUT=BIN122588.DAT - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects audit records from the system audit log file and writes them to the binary file BIN122588.DAT.
Specifies the length of time each record is displayed in a full- format display. Format /PAUSE=seconds seconds Specifies the duration (in seconds) of the full-screen display. A value of 0 specifies that the system should not pause before displaying the next record. By default, the utility displays a record for 3 seconds.
11.1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /FULL/PAUSE=1 - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example displays a selected record in full format every second. You can interrupt the display and enter interactive commands at any time by pressing Ctrl/C.
Specifies the criteria for selecting records from the audit log file. For a description of how to generate audit records, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Format /SELECT=criteria[,...] /NOSELECT criteria[,...] Specifies the criteria for selecting records. For each specified criterion, ANALYZE/AUDIT has two selection requirements: o The packet corresponding to the criterion must be present in the record. o One of the specified values must match the value in that packet. For example, if you specify (USER=(PUTNAM,WU),SYSTEM=DBASE) as the criteria, ANALYZE/AUDIT selects an event record containing the SYSTEM=DBASE packet and a USER packet with either the PUTNAM value or the WU value. If you omit the /SELECT qualifier, all event records selected through the /EVENT_TYPE qualifier are extracted from the audit log file and included in the report. You can specify any of the following criteria:
12.1 – ACCESS
ACCESS=(type,...) Specifies the type of object access upon which the selection is based. Access is object-specific and includes the following types: Associate Execute Read Control Lock Submit Create Logical Use Delete Manage Write Physical The HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security describes each of these types.
12.2 – ACCOUNT
ACCOUNT=(name,...) Specifies the account name upon which selection is based. You can use wildcards, such as an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%), to represent all or part of the name.
12.3 – ACCOUNT
ACCOUNT=(name,...) Specifies the alarm journal name on which selection is based. You can use wildcards to represent all or part of the alarm name.
ASSOCIATION_NAME=(IPC-name,...) Specifies the name of the interprocess communication (IPC) association.
AUDIT_NAME=(journal-name,...) Specifies the audit journal name on which selection is based. You can use wildcards to represent all or part of the audit journal name.
COMMAND_LINE=(command,...) Specifies the command line that the user entered.
CONNECTION_IDENTIFICATION=(IPC-name,...) Specifies the name for the interprocess communication (IPC) connection.
DECNET_LINK_IDENTIFICATION=(value,...) Specifies the number of the DECnet logical link.
DECNET_OBJECT_NAME=(object-name,...) Specifies the name of the DECnet object.
DECNET_OBJECT_NUMBER=(value,...) Specifies the number of the DECnet object.
DEFAULT_USERNAME=(username,...) Specifies the default local user name for incoming network proxy requests.
DEVICE_NAME=(device-name,...) Specifies the name of a device in audit records that have a DEVICE_NAME packet. Note that this does not select the device name when it occurs in other packet types, such as in a file name or in the TARGET_DEVICE_NAME packet.
DIRECTORY_ENTRY=(directory,...) Specifies the directory entry associated with file system operation.
DIRECTORY_NAME=(directory,...) Specifies the name of the directory file.
DISMOUNT_FLAGS=(flag-name,...) Identifies the names of the volume dismounting flags to be used in selecting records. Specify one or more of the following flag names: Abort, Cluster, Nounload, and Unit.
EVENT_CLUSTER_NAME=(event-flag-cluster-name,...) Specifies the name of the event flag cluster.
12.17 – FACILITY
FACILITY=(facility-name,...) Specifies that only events audited by the named facility be selected. Provide a name or a number but, in either case, the facility has to be defined through the logical AUDSERV$FACILITY_ NAME as a decimal number; the system uses the number 0.
12.18 – FIELD_NAME
FIELD_NAME=(field-name,...) Specifies the name of the field that was modified. ANALYZE/AUDIT uses the FIELD_NAME criterion with packets containing the original data and the new data (specified by the NEW_DATA criterion). A FIELD_NAME is a character string that describes the content of the field. A search for "NEW:" in a full audit report will display records that contain the FIELD_NAME values that can be specified for this option. Examples of FIELD_NAME values are Account, Default Directory, Flags, and Password Date. For sensitive information, see SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME.
12.19 – FILE_NAME
FILE_NAME=(file-name) Specifies the name of the file that caused the audit. Describes audit records for the specified file by using a slightly different display format than is provided by the /OBJECT=NAME=object-name keyword.
FILE_IDENTIFICATION=(identification-value) Specifies the value of the file's identification. To calculate the value, start with the value listed for File ID when you use the FILE_NAME keyword. For example, the display lists the File ID as: File ID: (3024,5,0) Use the following formula to calculate the value: (((0 * 65536) + 5)* 65536) + 3024 = 330704
12.21 – FLAGS
FLAGS=(flag-name,...) Identifies the names of the audit event flags associated with the audited event. These names should be used in selecting records. Specify one or more of the following flags: ACL, Alarm, Audit, Flush, Foreign, Internal, and Mandatory.
12.22 – HOLDER
HOLDER=keyword(,...) Specifies the characteristics of the identifier holder to be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following keywords: NAME=username Specifies the name of the holder. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. OWNER=uic Specifies the user identification code (UIC) of the holder.
IDENTIFIER=keyword(,...) Identifies which attributes of an identifier should be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following keywords: ATTRIBUTES=name Specifies the name of the particular attribute. Valid attribute names are as follows: Dynamic, Holder_Hidden, Name_ Hidden, NoAccess, Resource, and Subsystem. NAME=identifier Specifies the original name of the identifier. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. NEW_NAME=identifier Specifies the new name of the identifier. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. NEW_ATTRIBUTES=name Specifies the name of the new attribute. Valid attribute names are Dynamic, Holder_ Hidden, Name_Hidden, NoAccess, Resource, and Subsystem. VALUE=value Specifies the original value of the identifier. NEW_VALUE=value Specifies the new value of the identifier.
IDENTIFIERS_MISSING=(identifier,...) Specifies the identifiers missing in a failure to access an object.
IDENTIFIERS_USED=(identifier,...) Specifies the identifiers used to gain access to an object. An event record matches if the specified list is a subset of the identifiers recorded in the event record.
12.26 – IMAGE_NAME
IMAGE_NAME=(image-name,...) Identifies the name of the image to be used when selecting event records. You can represent all or part of the image name with a wildcard.
12.27 – INSTALL
INSTALL=keyword(,...) Specifies that installation event packets are to be considered when selecting event records. Choose from the following keywords: FILE=filename Specifies the name of the installed file. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. Note that on Alpha systems prior to Version 6.1, audit log files record the installed file name within an object name packet. To select the installed file, you must use the expression OBJECT=(NAME=object-name) instead of FILE=filename. FLAGS=flag-name Specifies the names of the flags, which correspond to qualifiers of the Install utility (INSTALL); for example, OPEN corresponds to /OPEN. PRIVILEGES=privilege- Specifies the names of the privileges with name which the file was installed.
LNM_PARENT_NAME=(table-name,...) Specifies the name of the parent logical name table.
LNM_TABLE_NAME=(table-name,...) Specifies the name of the logical name table.
12.30 – LOCAL
LOCAL=(characteristic,...) Specifies the characteristics of the local (proxy) account to be used when selecting event records. The following characteristic is supported: USERNAME=username Specifies the name of the local account. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard.
LOGICAL_NAME=(logical-name,...) Specifies the logical name of the mounted (or dismounted) volume upon which selection is based. You can represent all or part of the logical name with a wildcard.
MAILBOX_UNIT=(number,...) Specifies the number of the mailbox unit.
12.34 – NEW_DATA
NEW_DATA=(value,...) Specifies the value to use after the event occurs. Use this criterion with the FIELD_NAME criterion. When you use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to copy a user name, NEW_DATA specifies the newly created user name. For sensitive information, see SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA.
NEW_IMAGE_NAME=(image-name,...) Specifies the name of the image to be activated in the newly created process, as supplied to the $CREPRC system service.
12.36 – NEW_OWNER
NEW_OWNER=(uic,...) Specifies the user identification code (UIC) to be assigned to the created process, as supplied to the $CREPRC system service.
12.37 – OBJECT
OBJECT=keyword(,...) Specifies which characteristics of an object should be used when selecting event records. Choose any of the following keywords: CLASS=class-name Specifies the general object class as one of the following classes: Capability Device Event_cluster File Group_global_section Logical_name_table Queue Resource_domain Security_class System_global_section Volume You must enter the full class name (for example, CLASS=logical_name_table) or use wildcard characters to supply a portion of the class name (for example, CLASS=log*). NAME=object-name Specifies the name of the object. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. If you do not use a wildcard, specify the full object name (for example, BOSTON$DUA0:[RWOODS]MEMO.MEM;1). OWNER=value Specifies the UIC or general identifier of the object. TYPE=type Specifies the general object class (type of object). The available classes are as follows: Capability Device File Group_global_section Logical_name_table Queue System_global_section The CLASS keyword supersedes the TYPE keyword. However, TYPE is required to select audit records in files created prior to OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1.
12.38 – PARENT
PARENT=keyword(,...) Specifies which characteristics of the parent process are used when selecting event records generated by a subprocess. Choose from the following keywords: IDENTIFICATION=value Specifies the process identifier (PID) of the parent process. NAME=process-name Specifies the name of the parent process. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. OWNER=value Specifies the owner (identifier value) of the parent process. USERNAME=username Specifies the user name of the parent process. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard.
12.39 – PASSWORD
PASSWORD=(password,...) Specifies the password used when the system detected a break-in attempt.
PRIVILEGES_MISSING=(privilege-name,...) Specifies privileges the caller needed to perform the operation successfully. Specify any of the system privileges, as described in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
PRIVILEGES_USED=(privilege-name,...) Specifies the privileges of the process to be used when selecting event records. Specify any of the system privileges, as described in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Also include the STATUS keyword in the selection criteria so the report can demonstrate whether the privilege was involved in a successful or an unsuccessful operation.
12.42 – PROCESS
PROCESS=(characteristic,...) Specifies the characteristics of the process to be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following characteristics: IDENTIFICATION=value Specifies the PID of the process. NAME=process-name Specifies the name of the process. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard.
12.43 – REMOTE
REMOTE=keyword(,...) Specifies that some characteristic of the network request is to be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following keywords: ASSOCIATION_NAME=IPC-name Specifies the interprocess communication (IPC) association name. LINK_IDENTIFICATION=value Specifies the number of the DECnet logical link. IDENTIFICATION=value Specifies the DECnet node address. NODENAME=node-name Specifies the DECnet node name. You can represent all or part of the name with a wildcard. USERNAME=username Specifies the remote user name. You can represent all or part of the remote user name with a wildcard.
REQUEST_NUMBER=(value,...) Specifies the request number associated with the DCL command REQUEST/REPLY.
SECTION_NAME=(global-section-name,...) Specifies the name of the global section.
SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME=(field-name,...) Specifies the name of the field that was modified. ANALYZE/AUDIT uses the SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME criterion, such as PASSWORD, with packets containing the original data and the new data (specified by the SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA criterion).
SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA=(value,...) Specifies the value to use after the event occurs. Use this criterion with the SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME criterion.
SNAPSHOT_BOOTFILE=(filename,...) Specifies the name of the file containing a snapshot of the system.
SNAPSHOT_SAVE_FILENAME=(filename,...) Specifies the name of the system snapshot file for a save operation that is in progress.
12.50 – STATUS
STATUS=(type,...) Specifies the type of success status to be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following status types: SUCCESSFUL Specifies any success status. FAILURE Specifies any failure status. CODE=(value) Specifies a specific completion status. Note that if you specify CODE more than once, only the last value is matched.
SUBJECT_OWNER=(uic,...) Specifies the owner (UIC) of the process causing the event.
12.52 – SUBTYPE
SUBTYPE=(subtype,...) Specifies that the criteria be limited to the value or values specified as a subtype. The following table lists events and their related subtypes. After SUBTYPE, enter the subtypes as they appear in the list-for example, SUBTYPE=ALARM_STATE. (In other words, do not enter a prefix.) Symbols for Event Types and Subtypes Meaning NSA$C_MSG_AUDIT Systemwide change to auditing ALARM_STATE Events enabled as alarms AUDIT_DISABLED Audit events disabled AUDIT_ENABLED Audit events enabled AUDIT_INITIATE Audit server startup AUDIT_LOG_FIRST First entry in audit log (backward link) AUDIT_LOG_FINAL Final entry in audit log (forward link) AUDIT_STATE Events enabled as audits AUDIT_TERMINATE Audit server shutdown SNAPSHOT_ABORT* System snapshot attempt has aborted SNAPSHOT_ACCESS* Snapshot file access/deaccess SNAPSHOT_SAVE* System snapshot save in progress SNAPSHOT_STARTUP* System booted from a snapshot file * Obsolete as of OpenVMS Version 7.1 NSA$C_MSG_BREAKIN Break-in attempt detected BATCH Batch process DETACHED Detached process DIALUP Dialup interactive process LOCAL Local interactive process NETWORK Network server task REMOTE Interactive process from another network node SUBPROCESS Subprocess NSA$C_MSG_CONNECTION Logical link connection or termination CNX_ABORT Connection aborted CNX_ACCEPT Connection accepted CNX_DECNET_CREATE DECnet logical link created CNX_DECNET_DELETE DECnet logical link disconnected CNX_DISCONNECT Connection disconnected CNX_INC_ABORT Incoming connection request aborted CNX_INC_ACCEPT Incoming connection request accepted CNX_INC_DISCONNECT Incoming connection disconnected CNX_INC_REJECT Incoming connection request rejected CNX_INC_REQUEST Incoming connection request CNX_IPC_CLOSE Interprocess communication association closed CNX_IPC_OPEN Interprocess communication association opened CNX_REJECT Connection rejected CNX_REQUEST Connection requested NSA$C_MSG_INSTALL Use of the Install utility (INSTALL) INSTALL_ADD Known image installed INSTALL_REMOVE Known image deleted NSA$C_MSG_LOGFAIL Login failure See subtypes for NSA$C_MSG_BREAKIN NSA$C_MSG_LOGIN Successful login See subtypes for NSA$C_MSG_BREAKIN NSA$C_MSG_LOGOUT Successful logout See subtypes for NSA$C_MSG_BREAKIN NSA$C_MSG_MOUNT Volume mount or dismount VOL_DISMOUNT Volume dismount VOL_MOUNT Volume mount NSA$C_MSG_NCP Modification to network configuration database NCP_COMMAND Network Control Program (NCP) command issued NSA$C_MSG_NETPROXY Modification to network proxy database NETPROXY_ADD Record added to network proxy authorization file NETPROXY_DELETE Record removed from network proxy authorization file NETPROXY_MODIFY Record modified in network proxy authorization file NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_ACCESS Object access attempted OBJ_ACCESS Access attempted to create, delete, or deaccess an object NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_CREATE Object creation attempted OBJ_CREATE Access attempted to create an object NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DEACCESS Object deaccessed OBJ_DEACCESS Attempt to complete access to an object NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DELETE Object deletion attempted OBJ_DELETE Object deletion attempted NSA$C_MSG_PROCESS Process controlled through a system service PRC_CANWAK Process wakeup canceled PRC_CREPRC Process created PRC_DELPRC Process deleted PRC_FORCEX Process exit forced PRC_GETJPI Process information gathered PRC_GRANTID Process identifier granted PRC_RESUME Process resumed PRC_REVOKID Process identifier revoked PRC_SCHDWK Process wakeup scheduled PRC_SETPRI Process priority altered PRC_SIGPRC Process exception issued PRC_SUSPND Process suspended PRC_TERM Process termination notification requested PRC_WAKE Process wakeup issued NSA$C_MSG_PRVAUD Use of privilege PRVAUD_FAILURE Unsuccessful use of privilege PRVAUD_SUCCESS Successful use of privilege NSA$C_MSG_RIGHTSDB Modification to the rights database RDB_ADD_ID Identifier added to rights database RDB_CREATE Rights database created RDB_GRANT_ID Identifier granted to user RDB_MOD_HOLDER List of identifier holders modified RDB_MOD_ID Identifier name or attributes modified RDB_REM_ID Identifier removed from rights database RDB_REVOKE_ID Identifier taken away from user NSA$C_MSG_SYSGEN Use of the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) SYSGEN_SET System parameter modified NSA$C_MSG_SYSTIME Modification to system time SYSTIM_SET System time set SYSTIM_CAL System time calibrated NSA$C_MSG_SYSUAF Modification to system user authorization file (SYSUAF) SYSUAF_ADD Record added to system user authorization file SYSUAF_COPY Record added to system user authorization file SYSUAF_DELETE Record deleted from system user authorization file SYSUAF_MODIFY Record modified in system user authorization file SYSUAF_RENAME Record renamed in system user authorization file
12.53 – SYSTEM
SYSTEM=keyword(,...) Specifies the characteristics of the system to be used when selecting event records. Choose from the following keywords: IDENTIFICATION=value Specifies the numeric identification of the system. NAME=nodename Specifies the node name of the system.
SYSTEM_SERVICE_NAME=(service-name,...) Specifies the name of the system service associated with the event.
TARGET_DEVICE_NAME=(device-name,...) Specifies the target device name used by a process control system service.
TARGET_PROCESS_IDENTIFICATION=(value,...) Specifies the target process identifier (PID) used by a process control system service.
TARGET_PROCESS_NAME=(process-name,...) Specifies the target process name used by a process control system service.
TARGET_PROCESS_OWNER=(uic,...) Specifies the target process owner (UIC) used by a process control system service.
TARGET_USERNAME=(username,...) Specifies the target user name used by a process control system service.
12.60 – TERMINAL
TERMINAL=(device-name,...) Specifies the name of the terminal to be used when selecting event records. You can represent all or part of the terminal name with a wildcard.
TRANSPORT_NAME=(transport-name,...) Specifies the name of the transport: interprocess communication (IPC) or System Management Integrator (SMI), which handles requests from the System Management utility. On VAX systems, it also can specify the DECnet transport name (NSP).
12.62 – UAF_SOURCE
UAF_SOURCE=(record-name,...) Specifies the user name of the source record for an Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) add, modify, or delete operation.
12.63 – USERNAME
USERNAME=(username,...) Specifies the user name to be used when selecting event records. You can represent all or part of the user name with a wildcard.
VOLUME_NAME=(volume-name,...) Specifies the name of the mounted (or dismounted) volume to be used when selecting event records. You can represent all or part of the volume name with a wildcard.
VOLUME_SET_NAME=(volume-set-name,...) Specifies the name of the mounted (or dismounted) volume set to be used when selecting event records. You can represent all or part of the volume set name with a wildcard.
12.66 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /FULL/SELECT=USERNAME=JOHNSON - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects all records written to the security audit log file that were generated by user JOHNSON. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL/SELECT=PRIVILEGES_USED=(SYSPRV,- _$ BYPASS) SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects all records written to the security audit log file that were generated by events through the use of either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
Indicates the utility must operate on records dated with the specified time or after the specified time. Format /SINCE[=time] /NOSINCE time Specifies the time used to select records. Records dated the same or later than the specified time are selected. You can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of the two. Observe the syntax rules for date and time described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. If you specify /SINCE without the time, the utility uses the beginning of the current day.
13.1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /SINCE=25-NOV-2005 - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects records dated later than November 25, 2005. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /SINCE=25-NOV-2005:15:00 - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects records written after 3 P.M. on November 25, 2005.
Specifies that a summary of the selected records be produced after all records are processed. Note that the /SUMMARY qualifier code is executed after the Audit Analyzer is finished, that is, after all the records to be analyzed have been collected and processed. When you specify the /INTERACTIVE qualifier (which is the default), the Audit Analyzer never reaches the finished state because /INTERACTIVE prompts you repeatedly to enter another command (which might result in a new set of records to be analyzed). To use the /SUMMARY qualifier, you must also specify /NOINTERACTIVE, which ensures that the Audit Analyzer reaches the finished state that allows the SUMMARY code to be executed and to display the proper information. In a future version of OpenVMS, the Audit Analyzer will return an error when /SUMMARY and /INTERACTIVE are specified together. You can use the /SUMMARY qualifier alone or in combination with the /BRIEF, the /BINARY, or the /FULL qualifier. Format /SUMMARY=presentation /NOSUMMARY presentation Specifies the presentation of the summary. If you do not specify a presentation criterion, ANALYZE/AUDIT summarizes the number of audits. You can specify either of the following presentations: COUNT Lists the total number of audit messages for each class of security event that have been extracted from the security audit log file. This is the default. PLOT Displays a plot showing the class of the audit event, the time of day when the audit was generated, and the name of the system where the audit was generated.
14.1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/SUMMARY SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example generates a summary report of all records processed. Total records read: 9701 Records selected: 9701 Record buffer size: 1031 Successful logins: 542 Object creates: 1278 Successful logouts: 531 Object accesses: 3761 Login failures: 35 Object deaccesses: 2901 Breakin attempts: 2 Object deletes: 301 System UAF changes: 10 Volume (dis)mounts: 50 Rights db changes: 8 System time changes: 0 Netproxy changes: 5 Server messages: 0 Audit changes: 7 Connections: 0 Installed db changes: 50 Process control audits: 0 Sysgen changes: 9 Privilege audits: 91 NCP command lines: 120 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL/EVENT_TYPE=(BREAKIN,LOGFAIL)/SUMMARY - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example generates a full format listing of all logged audit messages that match the break-in or log failure event classes. A summary report is included at the end of the listing. 3.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL/EVENT_TYPE=(BREAKIN,LOGFAIL)/SUMMARY=PLOT - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL This command generates a histogram that you can display on a character-cell terminal.