Changes the width of Buffered I/O and Direct I/O fields in a report from 8 to 10 characters Format /WIDE
1 – Description
This qualifier corrects a problem that users have had with ACCOUNTING reports: the Buffered I/O and Direct I/O fields were too small and displayed asterisks (*) when numbers exceeded 8 characters. The /WIDE qualifier changes the widths of the Buffered I/O and Direct I/O fields in reports to 10 characters.
2 – Example
$ ACCOUNTING /PROC=BATCH /TYP=PROC - /REPORT=(RECORDS,PROCESSOR,DIRECT_IO,BUFFER) - /SUMM=MONTH /SIN=1-JAN /WIDE MM TOTAL PROCESSOR DIRECT BUFFERED RECORDS TIME I/O I/O ------------------------------------------------------ 01 2043 19 06:52:40.97 532675222 551986091 02 1767 9 00:14:34.00 183290432 420000532 ------------------------------------------------------ Without the /WIDE qualifier, the Direct I/O or Buffered I/O fields print ***** if the field overflows. With the /WIDE qualifier, these fields print correctly.