Displays information about a USB hub.


      USB SHOW HUB [address]

1  –  Example

 SDA> usb show hub 8974ded0
 Hub address is:                 8974ded0
 Descriptor header Flink         89750e50
 Descriptor header Blink         89749590
 Pointer to array descriptor     897317d0
 Index                           00000002
 Flags 0 -> avail 1 ->used       00000001
 Numbers of entries in this chunk00000001
 Descriptor type                 00000002
 Lock                            0000003a
 KPB pointer                     00000000
 Host controller UCB             896f5400
 Device state                    00000010
 Device next state               00000000
 Port number                     00000001
 Speed 0->full 1->low 2->High    00000002
 Tier level                      00000001
 USB bus address                 00000002
 Reference count                 00000001
 Default pipe                    89731f10
 Bus device is attached to       89731750
 Upstream hub address            89749590
 Default pipe requests Flink     8974df18
 Default pipe requests Blink     8974df18
 Driver name                     SYS$HUBDRIVER
 Device descriptor length        00000012
 Descriptor type                 00000001
 Revision                        00000200
 Device class                    00000009
 Device sub class                00000000
 Device protocol                 00000002
 Max packet size                 00000040
 Vendor ID                       0000050d
 Product  ID                     00000234
 Manufactures index              00000000
 Product index                   00000000
 Serial number index             00000000
 Number of configurations        00000001
 Pointer to configuration array  8974de50
 Number of configuration desc    00000001
 Active configuration pointer    89754c50
 Pointer to interface desc array 89754cd0
 Default interface array ptr     89754c10
 Pointer to endpoint array       8974de90
      Endpoint Address           8974de90
         Device:    8974DED0
         Interface: 89754CD0
         Desc:      89754C62
         Number:    01
         Pipe:      89750DD0

      Endpoint Address           8974dea8
         Device:    8974DED0
         Interface: 89754E10
         Desc:      89754C72
         Number:    01
         Pipe:      00000000

 Number of interface descriptors 00000002
 Number of endpoint descriptors  00000002
 Config_value                    00000001
 Failed configure attempts       00000000
 Structure type is               HUB
 -----Embeded hub descriptor-----
 Hub descriptor length           00000009
 Descriptor type                 00000029
 Number of ports                 00000004
 Characteristics low byte        00000000
 Characteristics high byte       00000000
 Power on to power good interval 00000032
 Hub control current             00000001
 Skipping port power control mask
 -----End of embeded hub descriptor-----
 Hub status change endpoint is   00000081
 Status change pipe handle       ffffffff89750dd0
 Status change requests Flink    896f0050
 Status change requests Blink    896f0050
 Number of ports                 00000004
 Port[1] status is               00000000
         next saved bits         00000000
 Port[2] status is               00000000
         next saved bits         00000000
 Port[3] status is               00000000
         next saved bits         00000005
         status bits
       4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.38 -> 00010301
       4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 -> 00010301
       4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 -> 00000301
       4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 -> 00100303
 IDX:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 -> 00000303
 Port[4] status is               00000000
         next saved bits         00000000
 Hub flags                       00000000
 Hub port power count            00000000
 Array of downstream device ptrs 89754fd0
      Port[1] device address     00000000
      Port[2] device address     00000000
      Port[3] device address     89750e50
      Port[4] device address     00000000
 Hub lock is                     0000003a
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