/DISABLE=NOPROXY Optional. Default: If the SYSCONFIG attribute noproxy_enabled is set to 0, then proxies are required for server access. Otherwise, the values of noproxy_uid (for the user ID) and noproxy_gid (for the group ID) become the default for users who have no proxies defined. Disables the use of default UIDs and GIDs.
/ENABLE=NOPROXY Optional. Enables the use of default UIDs and GIDs.
/GID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2. Default GID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping.
/INACTIVITY_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 120 seconds. Maximum time period (in seconds) that unaccessed NFS files remain open.
/UID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2. Default UID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping.