1    /GATED


    Enables the gateway routing daemon (GATED).

    If you enable dynamic GATED routing, you will be able to
    configure this host to use any combination of the following
    routing protocols to exchange dynamic routing information with
    other hosts on the network:

    o  RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Versions 1 and 2

    o  RDISC (Router Discovery Protocol)

    o  OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

    o  EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)

    o  BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), BGP-4

    o  Static routes

2    /LOG

    Optional. Default: No logging.

    Applies to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED.

    Logs routing activity to

3    /SUPPLY


    Optional. Applies only to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED.

    Broadcasts routing information to other hosts in 30-second

    If you specify /SUPPLY=DEFAULT, the local host supplies the
    default network route.
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