Adds entries to the proxy database that give remote users an OpenVMS identity (account name). Applies to the NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, RSH, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services. The proxy database contains communication proxies and NFS proxies: o Communication proxy - Provides an identity for users of RSH, RLOGIN, REXEC, RMT/RCD, LPR/LPD, and customer-written services, if these services are marked with SET SERVICE /FLAGS=APPLICATION_PROXY. NOTE The ROOT account does not require a communication proxy in the proxy database. The /FLAGS=APPLICATION_ PROXY flag, therefore, is not relevant when you are setting up a communication proxy for a UNIX root account. - Required qualifiers: /HOST, /REMOTE_USER. o NFS proxy - Provides an identity for users of NFS client, NFS server, PC-NFS. No two proxies can have the same UID and host combination. - Required qualifiers: /HOST, /GID, /UID. You can combine NFS and communication proxies in one record. Related commands: SHOW HOST, DCL command AUTHORIZE, CONVERT/VMS PROXY, REMOVE PROXY, SHOW PROXY Format for Communication Proxies ADD PROXY user { /HOST=host | /REMOTE_USER=user } [ /PERMANENT ] Format for NFS Proxies ADD PROXY user { /GID=n | /HOST=host | /UID=n } [ /NFS=options ] [ /PERMANENT ]
1 – Restrictions and Tips
Requires read and write access to the proxy database and one of the following privileges: o SYSPRV o SYSLCK o OPER For each host, define both its host name and alias names. For each entry, use uppercase and lowercase consistently.
2 – Parameters
user Required. Local OpenVMS identity for the user of: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, remote shell, or LPR/LPD.
3 – Qualifiers
3.1 /GID
/GID=n Required for an NFS proxy. Group identifier (GID) for an NFS user. Wildcards not allowed.
3.2 /HOST
/HOST=host Required. Host name on which the NFS user is working. o The host must be seen on the SHOW HOST/LOCAL display. It is important to use the SHOW HOST command to verify that the host is known to TCP/IP Services because ADD PROXY does not do this check. o A wildcard is allowed. o HP recommends that you define both the host name and any alias names.
3.3 /NFS
/NFS=[ INCOMING | OUTGOING ] Optional. Default: /NFS=(INCOMING,OUTGOING). Creates an NFS proxy for local clients, remote clients, or PC-NFS clients. Specify one of the following: o /NFS=OUTGOING - Proxy to use NFS client o /NFS=INCOMING - Proxy to use NFS server o /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMING) - Proxy to use both NFS server and NFS client
Optional. Default: Both permanent and volatile databases. Adds the entry only to the permanent proxy database. o Communication proxy - If REMOTE_USER is not active, changes are made to the permanent database. - If REMOTE_user is active, changes to the permanent database take effect after you restart RSH, RLOGIN, or LPD.
/REMOTE_USER=user Required for a communication proxy. Not valid on NFS proxy. Specifies the remote client's user name. A wildcard is allowed.
3.6 /UID
/UID=n Required for an NFS proxy. Specifies the user identifier (UID) for an NFS user. Wildcards are not allowed.
4 – Examples
1.TCPIP> ADD PROXY HAWAIIAN_GOOSE /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMING) - _TCPIP> /GID=10 /UID=444 /HOST="nene" Creates a proxy called HAWAIIAN_GOOSE, authorizing use of both the NFS client and the NFS server to and from host nene. 2.TCPIP> ADD PROXY COUSINS /GID=10 /UID=40 /NFS=OUTGOING - _TCPIP> /HOST=("grackle","blackbird") Enters an NFS proxy called COUSINS for a local NFS client user named COUSINS. This user can access remote files from NFS servers grackle and blackbird. 3.TCPIP> ADD PROXY REMOTE_UGLY_DUCKLING - _TCPIP> /REMOTE_USER="cygnet" /HOST="babyswan" Adds to the proxy database communication proxy REMOTE_UGLY_DUCKLING for remote user cygnet at host babyswan.