TAPEMGR SET device This command allows selection of the used tape format for the specified device. It also allows setting autoload compress and the maximum file size.
/AUTOLOAD /NOAUTOLOAD If this qualifier is present then the tape will automatically be loaded and be ready for use. If /NOAUTOLOAD is specified then the tape will not be automatically loaded and needs to be loaded with the TAPEMGR LOAD command. Do not use autoloading with multi-volume backups or small container files since they will be overwritten when a volume switch is needed.
/COMPRESS /NOCOMPRESS If this qualifier is present then records will be compressed while written to the tape. If /NOCOMPRESS is specified compression will be disabled. Compression status must be set before the tape is initialized.
/FORMAT=(DEFAULT,MTD,SMA,LM) The following virtual container file formats are supported: DEFAULT MTD LM SMA
/MAXIMUMSIZE=xxx This qualifier allow specification of the maximum container file size in megabytes. Once this size is reached the virtual drive will return a 'tape full' status which allow a volume switch.