
    Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights
    identifier. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric
    format. For complete information about UIC specification, see the
    HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

    Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use
    an ID format rather than a UIC format. For a complete description
    of rights identifiers, see the HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts

    You can use an asterisk wildcard character (*)  to specify the
    quota entry as follows:

    Command                Description

    DISQUOTA SHOW CJ       Show user CJ (if CJ has a unique UIC on
                           the system)
    DISKQUOTA SHOW         Show user CJ in group TTD
    DISKQUOTA SHOW         Show all users in group TTD
    DISKQUOTA SHOW *       Show all entries
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