Prevents a file in the startup database from executing.

    Requires read (R)  and write (W) access to the startup database.


      STARTUP DISABLE  FILE filespec

1  –  Parameters


    Disables a component of the startup database. SYSMAN modifies


    Specifies the name of a component in the startup database. The
    startup file must reside in SYS$STARTUP and have a file type
    of .COM or .EXE. The asterisk (*) and percent (%) wildcard
    characters are permitted.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    Controls whether the STARTUP DISABLE command displays the file
    specification of each file before disabling it in the startup
    database and requests you to confirm that the file be disabled.
    If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y
    (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is disabled.
    If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file
    is not disabled.

2.2    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether the STARTUP DISABLE command displays the file
    specification of each file after it has been disabled.

2.3    /NODE


    Identifies nodes within the cluster that do not run the file
    during startup. By default, the startup file is disabled on all
    nodes in the cluster.

2.4    /PHASE


    Indicates the phase of system startup in which the specified file
    normally executes. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA,
    and END. LPMAIN is the default.

3  –  Description

    The STARTUP DISABLE command prevents a file in the startup
    database from executing. The command edits a record in the
    startup database, temporarily disabling the file.

4  –  Example


      This command modifies the startup database so that the DECset
      environment manager will not be installed on NODE21.
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