1    /ACP

    Displays all Files-11 ACP parameters.

2    /ALL

    Displays the values of all active parameters.


    Displays all parameters specific to clusters.


    Displays all parameters that would be in effect immediately after
    you enter a PARAMETERS WRITE ACTIVE command.

5    /GEN

    Displays all general parameters.

6    /HEX

    Displays numeric parameters in hexadecimal rather than decimal
    radix. Specify the /HEX system parameter name or the parameter
    type. If you specify the /HEX qualifier with the /NAMES
    qualifier, /HEX is ignored.

7    /JOB

    Displays all job controller parameters.

8    /LGI

    Displays all LOGIN security control parameters.

9    /MAJOR

    Displays the most important parameters.


    Displays parameters specific to multiprocessing.

11    /NAMES

    Displays only parameter names. You can combine other qualifiers
    with this one.


    Displays the names of all obsolete system parameters.

13    /OUTPUT

    Directs output to the specified file rather than SYS$OUTPUT.
    Without a file specification, the output goes to SYSMAN.LIS in
    the current directory.

14    /PAUSE

    Controls the rate at which the system displays information about

15    /PQL

    Displays the parameters for all default process quotas.

16    /RMS

    Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Record Management
    Services (RMS).

17    /SCS

    Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Cluster System
    Communications Services.

18    /SPECIAL

    Displays all special control parameters.

19    /STARTUP

    Displays the name of the site-independent startup procedure.

20    /SYS

    Displays all active system parameters.

21    /TTY

    Displays all parameters for terminal drivers.
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