This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only.
    It automatically identifies and configures all hardware devices
    attached to a system by connecting devices and loading their

    On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE.

    You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO
    AUTOCONFIGURE command.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /SELECT


    Specifies the device type to be automatically configured. Use
    valid device names or mnemonics that indicate the devices to be
    included in the configuration. You can use wildcard characters
    with this qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes under the /EXCLUDE qualifier for notes that
    apply to both qualifiers.

    This table shows examples of how the /SELECT qualifier works with
    ports PKA, PKB, and PIA:


    /SELECT=P*        PKA,PKB,PIA              None
    /SELECT=PK*       PKA,PKB                  PIA
    /SELECT=PKA*      PKA                      PKB,PIA

1.2    /EXCLUDE


    Specifies the device type that should not be automatically
    configured. Use valid device names or mnemonics that indicate
    the devices to be excluded from the configuration. You can use
    wildcard characters with this qualifier.

    Usage Notes for the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE Qualifiers

    o  The /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers are not mutually exclusive
       and you can specify both qualifiers on the command line.

    o  You can use the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers to permanently
       specify device autoconfiguration to include and exclude Fibre
       Channel port driver devices (FG) and any SCSI port driver
       devices (PK) for the duration of a manual autoconfiguration
       command. (To permanently specify devices to be excluded at
       each system boot, use the SYSMAN command IO SET EXCLUDE.)

       You cannot use the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers to include
       and exclude any of the following device types:

       -  SCSI class-driver devices (DK, MK, GK) whose names include
          a port allocation class or an HSZ allocation class

       -  Fibre Channel class-driver devices (PG, DG, GG)

       This restriction also applies to SCSI devices on OpenVMS Alpha
       Version 7.1 systems, if the SCSI device names include a port
       allocation class.

1.3    /LOG

    Controls whether the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command displays
    information about loaded devices.

2  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command identifies and configures all
    hardware devices attached to a system. It connects devices and
    loads their drivers. You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges
    to use the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.

3  –  Examples


      This command autoconfigures all devices on the system except

      IO AUTOCONFIGURE automatically configures all standard devices
      that are physically attached to the system, except for the
      network communications device.


      The /LOG qualifier displays information about all the devices
      that AUTOCONFIGURE loads.
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