The SHOW subcommand displays the characteristics of a scheduling


      CLASS_SCHEDULE SHOW  [class_name] [/qualifier]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the scheduling class. You must specify
    a class name or the /ALL qualifier with the SHOW command. The
    maximum length for the class name is 16 characters.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Displays all scheduling classes. The qualifier must be specified
    if no class name is given.

2.2    /FULL

    Displays all information about this scheduling class.

3  –  Description

    By default, a limited display of data is shown by the SHOW
    subcommand. The default displays the following:

    o  Name

    o  Maximum CPU time or times for each range of hours

    o  Primary days and secondary days

    o  Windfall settings
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