The ADD command creates a new scheduling class.

    The class scheduler provides the ability to limit the amount
    of CPU time that a system's users receive by placing users in
    scheduling classes. Each class is assigned a percentage of the
    overall system CPU time. As the system runs, the combined set of
    users in a class is limited to the percentage of CPU execution
    time allocated to their class.

    Users might get some additional CPU time if the qualifier
    /WINDFALL is enabled for their scheduling class. Enabling the
    qualifier /WINDFALL allows the system to give a small amount
    of CPU time to a scheduling class when the scheduling class's
    allotted time has been depleted, but a free CPU is available.


      CLASS_SCHEDULE ADD  class_name

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the scheduling class. You must specify a
    class name with the ADD command. The maximum length for this name
    is 16 characters.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ACCOUNT

    Specifies which user is part of this scheduling class. This is
    part of a user's SYSUAF record.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:

       [/ACCOUNT = (name1, name2,"n")]

2.2    /CPULIMIT

    Defines the maximum amount of CPU time that this scheduling class
    can receive for the specified days and hours. You must specify
    this qualifier when adding a class.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:

       /CPULIMIT = ([primary], [h1-h2=time%],[h1=time%],

    The h1-h2=time% syntax allows you to specify a range of hours
    followed by the maximum amount of CPU time (expressed as a
    percentage) to be associated with this set of hours. The first
    set of hours after the keyword PRIMARY specifies hours on primary
    days; the set of hours after the keyword SECONDARY specifies
    hours on secondary days. The hours are inclusive; if you class
    schedule a given hour, access extends to the end of that hour.


    Allows you to define which days are primary days and which days
    are secondary days.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:

        [/PRIMEDAYS = ([no]day[,...])]

    You specify primary days as MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, and
    SUN. You specify secondary days as NOMON, NOTUE, NOWED, NOTHU,

    The default is MON through FRI and NOSAT and NOSUN. Any days
    omitted from the list take their default value. You can use the
    DCL command, SET DAY, to override the class definition of primary
    and secondary days.

2.4    /UIC

    Specifies which users are part of this scheduling class. This is
    part of a user's SYSUAF record.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:

       [/UIC = (uic1,uic2,...uic"n")]

2.5    /USERNAME

    Specifies which user is part of this scheduling class. This is
    part of a user's SYSUAF record.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:

       [/USERNAME = (name1, name2,"n")]

2.6    /WINDFALL

    Specifies that all processes in the scheduling class are eligible
    for windfall.

    The syntax for this qualifier is as follows:


    By enabling windfall, you allow processes in the scheduling class
    to receive a "windfall", that is, a small percentage of CPU time,
    when the class's allotted CPU time has been depleted, and a CPU
    is idle. Rather than let the CPU remain idle, you might decide
    that it is better to let these processes execute, even if it
    means giving them more than their alloted time.

    The default value is for windfall to be disabled.

3  –  Description

    The format for the CLASS_SCHEDULE ADD command is as follows:


    You can use the /ACCOUNT, /UIC, or /USERNAME qualifier to specify
    which users are to be part of a scheduling class.
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