The MEMBERS class contains information about the systems that are
  actively participating in the cluster.  This class includes fields
  such as the system's clusterwide ID number and the system's
  membership status in the cluster.

1  –  ACK_LM

   Maximum number of OpenVMS Cluster messages the remote system can
   receive before sending an acknowledgment.

2  –  ACKR_SQ

   Sequence number of the last acknowledgment received over the
   cluster connection.


   State of the cluster connection. Possible displays are:

     ACCEPT     Initial connection is accepted.
     CLOSED     Connection is closed.
     CONNECT    Initial connection is being accepted.
     DEAD       No connection is possible.
     DISCONNECT Disconnection is in progress.
     NEW        No attempt to make a connection has been made yet.
     OPEN       Connection is open.
     REACCEPT   Connection is accepting the reconnect request.
     RECONNECT  Connection is attempting to reconnect.
     WAIT       Timeout is in progress.

4  –  CSID

   Cluster system identification number. This number is unique over
   the life of the cluster. Unlike SYS_ID, this identification number
   may change when the system reboots.

5  –  DIR_WT

   Lock manager distributed directory weight.


   Maximum number of votes that an individual node can encounter.
   Used as an initial estimate for computing CL_EXPECTED_VOTES.
   The cluster manager sets this number using the EXPECTED_VOTES
   system parameter. It is possible for this field to display a
   number smaller than the EXPECTED_VOTES parameter setting if the
   REMOVE_NODE option was used to shut down a cluster member or the
   SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES DCL command was used since this node
   was last rebooted. The dynamic value for EXPECTED_VOTES used
   clusterwide is the CL_EXPECTED_VOTES field, which is described
   in CLUSTER Class Fields.


   Protocol version number and ECO level of the connection management


   Number of votes the remote system recommends be contributed by the
   quorum disk. Normally, the cluster manager sets this number using
   the system parameter QDSKVOTES.


   Indicates whether the remote system's quorum file is accessible.

10  –  QF_SAME

   Indicates whether the local and remote systems agree about which
   disk is the quorum disk.


   Remote system has an active connection to the quorum disk and can
   verify its connection for members unable to access the disk directly.

12  –  QUORUM

   Derived from EXPECTED_VOTES and calculated by the connection manager.
   It represents an initial value for the minimum number of votes that
   must be present for this node to function. The dynamic QUORUM value
   is the CL_QUORUM field, which is described in the CLUSTER class
   category in CLUSTER Class Fields.

13  –  RCVD_SQ

   Sequence number of the last message received over the OpenVMS Cluster


   Displays the time (in seconds) that the connection manager will wait
   before timing out the corresponding connection. It is the maximum
   of the value contained in the system parameter RECNXINTERVAL on the
   local node and the amount of time it would take for the connection
   manager on the remote node to discover that the connection is broken.

15  –  SEND_SQ

   Sequence number of the next message to be sent over the OpenVMS
   Cluster connection.

16  –  STATUS

   Status of the node in the cluster. Possible displays are:

16.1  –  blank

   System is not being considered as a cluster member.

16.2  –  BRK_MEM

   System is a member of the cluster, but the connection manager has lost
   communication with it.

16.3  –  BRK_NEW

   System has just booted, but has not yet joined the cluster and
   the connection manager has lost communication with it.

16.4  –  BRK_NON

   Connection manager has lost communication with the system and the
   system is no longer a member of the cluster.

16.5  –  BRK_REM

   Connection manager has lost communication with the system, and
   the system has been removed from the cluster.

16.6  –  NEW

   System has just booted, but has not yet joined the cluster.
   If this system would normally be a member of the cluster and
   is displaying NEW in this field, you can expect that the display
   will eventually change to MEMBER.

16.7  –  NON

   System is not a member of the cluster.

16.8  –  REMOVED

   System has been removed from the cluster.

17  –  SW_VERS

   Indicator of the software version running on the node.


   Time of the system's last change in membership status.
   (See the STATUS field.)

19  –  UNACKED

   Number of unacknowledged OpenVMS Cluster messages received by the
   remote system.

20  –  VOTES

   Number of votes the remote node contributes toward quorum.
   Normally, the cluster manager sets this number with the
   system parameter VOTES.


   Number of CDRPs on the CDRP free queue.
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