The COUNTERS class displays the counts for the total accumulated
  traffic over a connection for the life of the connection.  This class
  includes fields such as the number of application datagrams sent and
  received, the number of application messages sent and received, and
  the number of kilobytes sent and requested in block transfer mode.


   Number of times this connection had to wait for a buffer descriptor.

2  –  BLKS_REQ

   Number of block-request data commands initiated to block transfer
   data from the remote system to the local system.


   Number of block-send data commands initiated to block-transfer data
   from the local system to the remote system.

4  –  CR_WAITS

   Number of times this connection had to wait for send credit.


   Number of application datagrams discarded by the port driver.

6  –  DGS_RCVD

   Number of application datagrams received by the local system over
   the connection from the remote system and given to SYSAP.

7  –  DGS_SENT

   Number of application datagrams sent over the connection.


   Number of kilobytes of data mapped for block transfer.

9  –  KB_RCVD

   Number of kilobytes of data received by the local system from the
   remote system through request-data commands.

10  –  KB_SENT

   Number of kilobytes of data sent from the local system to the
   remote system through send-data commands.

11  –  MSGS_RCVD

   Number of application datagram messages received over the connection.

12  –  MSGS_SENT

   Number of application datagram messages sent over the connection.
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