Creates a snapshot of the OpenVMS Registry database. That is,
the system writes all cached OpenVMS Registry keys or values and
makes a copy of the OpenVMS Registry database files.
The OpenVMS Registry server copies database files to the location
specified by /DESTINATION (SYS$REGISTRY by default), using the file
extension .RSS (Registry SnapShot). To restore the snapshot, shut
down all applications using the Registry, shut down the Registry
server, and copy the files to SYS$REGISTRY, renaming them with the
.REG file extension.
When you restore the database from a snapshot, you
lose all modifications that were made to the database
since the last snapshot was taken.
By default the OpenVMS Registry server creates a snapshot
automatically every 24 hours and retains the five most
recent snapshot files.
This command requires the SYSPRV privilege.
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