NET$MGMT_HELP.HLB  —  actions  Loop  Loopback application, Characteristics
 o  address tower-set

    Number of the destination for loopback messages, in the form
    of a protocol tower. Specify either this argument or the name

 o  count integer

    Default: 1             Value: 0-4294967295

    Number of loop messages to be sent to the loop mirror. The test
    is complete when this number of loop messages has been reflected
    back by the loop mirror.

 o  format hex-string

    Default: 55            Value: 00-FF

    Content of the data field of a loop message. Enter a pair of
    hexadecimal digits. Each octet in the data field of a loop
    message has this value.

 o  length integer

    Default: 40            Value: 0-65534

    Length, in octets, of the data field in each loop message.

 o  name full-name

    DNS name of the node to which loopback messages are sent. Specify
    either this argument or the address argument, but not both.
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