The Alias module provides the means to define an alternate network address
   which is shared by multiple nodes in the same VMScluster. This makes it
   possible to treat a VMScluster, or several nodes within a VMScluster, as
   though it were a single node in the network.

   The alias entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy belonging to the
   Alias module. The entity is the root from which alias port subentities may
   be defined.

1  –  port

   An alias port entity provides the means to define an alternate network
   address for this node, which is shared by other nodes in the same VMScluster.
   When the alias port entity is enabled, this node becomes an active member
   of the VMScluster alias it specifies.

   The first node in the VMScluster to create an Alias Port for a particular
   alias address causes that alias to be created. Subsequent nodes which
   create an Alias Port for the same alias establish connections ports to
   that alias. The alias becomes active when the first node enables its Alias
   Port for that alias.

   When a node enables an Alias Port, that node registers itself with other
   members of the alias.

1.1  –  character


         The number of sequential incoming connects to be passed to this member
         node in the round-robin sequence before proceeding to the next member
         node in the sequence. A value of zero means this node is not eligible
         to receive incoming connections to this Alias address. Selection Weight
         is used to apportion incoming alias connections according to the
         capacity of each Alias member. Nodes with greater capacity should have
         larger values of Selection Weight, while local area VMScluster
         satellites should generally have a value of zero. Values between 0 and
         10 are suggested.

         The NSP maximum transport connection value determines the number of
         connections on an alias member. If the Alias Port is enabled, changing
         the NSP maximum transport connection value has no effect.

1.2  –  status


         The 6-byte node id field in the Alias pseudo-node's NSAP.


         Specifies the status of the alias port entity.

         OFF - The alias port entity is disabled
         ON  - The alias port entity is enabled
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