NET$MGMT_HELP.HLB  —  actions  Create  osi_transport
    Press the CONTINUE button to create the OSI Transport entity on the
    node you are managing, or press the CANCEL button to cancel this
    operation.  In either case, you will be returned to the main window.

1  –  Application

    Creates an OSI Transport Application.  An OSI Transport Application
    entity stores information about an end user that is activated for
    receipt of an incoming connection request when the request contains
    that end user's name in its Destination Name field.

    The following is a required argument:

    o   Application Name

        Simple name to be assigned to the application.

    The following arguments are optional:

    o   Filename

        The name of the program to be invoked upon receipt of a connect
        request containing a TSEL matching the "Called TSELS" attribute
        of the Application entity.

    o   Username

        The user name portion of the access control information that
        identifies the account under with the application is to run.
        If invalid information or no user name is specified, system
        defaults are used to select the user.

    Press the OK button to create the OSI Transport Application entity,
    or press the CANCEL button to cancel this operation.  In either case,
    you will return to the main window.

2  –  Template

    An OSI Transport Template entity provides a collection of
    characteristics that supply default values for certain parameters that
    influence the operation of a port on a transport connection.

    One template, with the reserved identifier "default", is automatically
    created when the OSI Transport entity is created.  This template is
    used by default when a user does not specify a template identifier
    in a call to establish a connection.  The "default" template is also
    used to determine the initial values for the attributes of any new
    OSI Transport Template entity you create.

    The OSI Template Name is a required argument.

    Press the CONTINUE button to create the OSI Transport Template entity,
    or press the CANCEL button to cancel this operation.  In either case,
    you will return to the main window.
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