NET$MGMT_HELP.HLB  —  about  Actions Pulldown
     The Actions pulldown menu allows you to select functions to be performed on
     an entity.  Examples of frequently performed actions are:  Create, Delete,
     Enable, Disable, etc.  For the most part, the Actions are named for their
     equivalent NCL directives.  One exception to this naming convention is the
     Zoom action.  Zoom displays allow you to Show and in some cases, Set,
     Enable or Disable attributes for a particular entity.

1  –  possible_actions

     To determine which actions can be performed on a particular entity, place
     the pointer on that entity and click the left mouse button to  highlight
     the entity.  (Or, use the right mouse button if your Session Manager is
     configured to use Left-Handed Button Arrangement.)  Then place the pointer
     over the Actions pulldown and click on the left mouse button; A list of
     actions available for this entity will be displayed.  Only those actions
     that are not greyed out are currently available, note, this list may
     change as the state of the entity changes.

     Click on the action you wish to perform, and a display for that action
     will appear to prompt you for arguments if necessary.  If an action
     display is presented, you have the option of aborting the action by
     pushing the CANCEL button or proceeding with the action by supplying any
     required information and pushing a CONTINUE, OKAY or APPLY button.  See
     Pushbutton Usage for more information about these buttons.

2  –  frequently_performed_actions

    The most frequently performed actions (Zoom, Expand, and Collapse) can be
    performed using the mouse instead of the Actions pulldown if you prefer.

    Double-clicking the left mouse button while the pointer is positioned over
    any entity or subentity will cause the expansion or collapse of that
    entity.  For example, double-clicking the left mouse button on the Session
    Control entity after it has already expanded would cause that entity to
    be collapsed, and vice versa.

    Single-clicking the right-most mouse button over any entity, subentity or
    instance that currently has the Zoom action enabled will automatically
    bring up that entity's Zoom display. If the Zoom action is currently not
    allowed for that entity, no action will be taken.

    Note:  If you have changed your Session Manager to use the left-handed
    button arrangement, use the left button to Zoom and the right button to
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