The NET$MGMT utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to the
     management of DECnet-Plus.  The manageable components of DECnet-Plus
     (referred to as entities, subentities, or instances) are represented
     in a tree-like structure below the icon of the node you are

     The entities in the display that are "greyed out" are not yet supported
     by this application.

1  –  Addition help

     Nearly all of the displays have a Help pulldown menu.  These menus have
     two options available:  "On Window" and "About".  Click on the "About"
     option for a general overview of NET$MGMT.  Click on the "On Window"
     option for specific screen information.

2  –  expand_collapse

     Expanding means bringing into view any subentities associated with an
     entity.  Collapsing means taking those subentities away from view.
     A highlighted icon (a dark diamond) in front of an entity or subentity
     indicates that it has children and may be expanded or collapsed.  For
     example, when you expand the Node entity, its subentities, such as
     Event Dispatcher, Alias, etc. will appear.

2.1  –  how_to_expand_collapse

     There are two methods to perform the expand/collapse action.  The
     easiest way is to double-click the left-most mouse button on an entity in
     the main window.  (Of course, if you have changed your Session Manager
     Options and are using the Left-Handed Mouse Button Arrangement, use the
     right-most button instead.)

     Another way to expand or collapse an entity is to single click the
     left mouse button on the entity to select it and then select Expand or
     Collapse from the Actions pulldown menu.

2.2  –  how_to_see_ncl

     Some entities take longer to expand than others because the application
     is busy querying the system about the subentities.  For example,
     expanding routing circuit adjacencies will generally take longer on an
     intermediate system than it will on an end system.  If you are curious
     about what NCL commands the application is performing on your behalf,
     you can select Default Actions from the Options pulldown and enable
     NCL to display those commands.

3  –  permanent_changes

     Just as with NCL, any network management changes you make using NET$MGMT
     will only be retained until the next reboot.  In order to make
     permanent network management changes, you can modify the NCL startup
     scripts by running the SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE.COM procedure and using
     the ADVANCED option.  Do not modify the SYS$MANAGER:NET$*_STARTUP.NCL
     scripts directly.  Refer to the Installation and Configuration Manual for
     more information about making permanent configuration changes.

4  –  Mouse usage

    The mouse is used to Select an entity; perform the Zoom, Expand and
    Collapse actions; and move around in the displays.

    Note:  Right-handed button arrangement is the default for the Session
    Manager.  If you are using the left-handed button arrangement instead,
    the action of mouse buttons described here is reversed.

4.1  –  MB1

    A single-click with the left mouse button while the pointer is positioned
    over an unhighlighted entity will select (or highlight) that entity.

    A single-click with  the left mouse button while the pointer is positioned
    over an entity that has been highlighted previously will cause the
    expansion of that entity if that entity is not already in the expanded
    state. ("Expanding" the entity means that its subentities will become

    A double-click with the left mouse button while the pointer is positioned
    over any entity or subentity will cause the expansion or collapse of that
    entity.  For example, double-clicking the left mouse button on the Session
    Control entity after it has already expanded would cause that entity to
    be collapsed, and vice versa.

4.2  –  MB3

    A single-click with the right mouse button over any entity, subentity or
    instance that currently has the Zoom action enabled, will automatically
    bring up that entity's Zoom display. If the Zoom action is currently not
    allowed for that entity, no action will be taken.

5  –  Pushbuttons

     The following pushbuttons are located at the bottom of the appropriate

     OK -       After you are finished making changes in a display, push OK
                to approve the action.  The appropriate NCL commands will be
                issued, and the current display will be dismissed.

     APPLY -    Does the same thing as the OK pushbutton, but the display
                remains up after the NCL commands have been issued.  This is
                convenient because you can "try out" different settings by
                APPLYing them.  Since the display remains up, you can then
                RESET to the previous values or set the values to their
                DEFAULTs and re-APPLY if you like.  The display will remain
                up until you push CANCEL to dismiss the window.

     RESET -    Returns the values of all attributes back to what they were
                when you first entered the display.  These values are changed
                in the display only -- no NCL commands are issued until you
                push APPLY or OK.  The display remains up for further
                modifications until you push OK or CANCEL.

     DEFAULTS - Sets the values of all attributes to their defaults.  These
                values are changed in the display only -- no NCL commands are
                issued until you push APPLY or OK.  The display remains for
                further modifications until you push OK or CANCEL.

     CANCEL -   Push to abort the action.  The window is dismissed and no
                NCL commands are issued.

     CONTINUE - After all required arguments have been supplied, push to
                approve the action.  The appropriate NCL commands will be
                issued, and the current display will be dismissed.

6  –  Refresh display

     Certain changes that occur are not immediately reflected in the display.
     Examples of such changes include:

     -  Changes to the entity tree structure that occur when subentities or
        instances are dynamically created or deleted during the normal
        operation of DECnet-Plus, for example, changes in NSP Ports.

     -  Changes that occur as a result of some independent network
        management action.  For example, another manager may be running
        NCL on the same node and making network management changes.

     -  Changes to counter values.

     As a result, you may occasionally wish to refresh the display. To
     refresh any subentity within the entity tree, simply collapse
     and re-expand its parent.  To refresh counters, it is necessary to
     perform the Zoom action again.

     If you attempt to perform an action on an entity that no longer exists, an
     informational message will be displayed, and the parent entity will
     automatically be refreshed.

7  –  Required rights

    The same rights required to run NCL are also required to run NET$MGMT.
    The process invoking NET$MGMT must have the following rights enabled,
    or the process must possess BYPASS privilege:

    NET$EXAMINE -  Allows you to view network management information.

    NET$MANAGE -   Permits you to view and modify network management

    NET$SECURITY - Allows you to modify Session Control Application

    When you use the Change To Remote Node to manage a remote Phase V node,
    you can provide explicit access control information. That remote account
    must have at least the NET$EXAMINE right in order to successfully
    switch management control to the remote node.  If you do not provide
    explicit access control information, your rights on the remote node will
    be determined by that node's CML$SERVER account.

    When you wish to return to managing the local node, use the
    "Change to Local Node" option from the options pulldown.

8  –  Viewer Pulldown

     The Viewer pulldown menu provides two options:

     Exit -  This option exits the application.

     Style - This option allows you to change the way you view the entity tree
             in the main window at any time. By default, the Viewer Style is
             Display as Outline.  Options include a column view, a left-oriented
             tree view, or a top-oriented tree view.

8.1  –  column_viewer_style

     Select Style, Displays as Columns from the Viewer menu to use the
     column style display.  Currently, this style is not much different
     than the Outline style.

8.2  –  outline_viewer_style

     This is the default Viewer Style.

8.3  –  Tree viewer style

     When you select Style, Display as Tree from the Viewer pulldown,
     the main window will assume a tree-style display.  You can then switch
     between the left-oriented or top-oriented tree styles by selecting
     Style, Display Left or Style, Display Top from the Viewer pulldown.

8.3.1  –  tree_navigation

     A tree navigator is available to help you move easily to other parts of
     the tree.  Click on the box in the lower right corner of the main
     display to bring up the tree navigator.  It will show you where you are
     in relation to the rest of the tree.  You can change position in the
     tree by dragging the viewer to the area you wish to view.  To dismiss
     the navigator display, click on the lower right corner of the main
     display again.

     Alternatively, you may use the scroll bars to move through a tree-style
     display.  Whenever you drag a scroll bar, a navigator box will appear to
     indicate where you are in relation to the rest of the tree.

9  –  Actions Pulldown

     The Actions pulldown menu allows you to select functions to be performed on
     an entity.  Examples of frequently performed actions are:  Create, Delete,
     Enable, Disable, etc.  For the most part, the Actions are named for their
     equivalent NCL directives.  One exception to this naming convention is the
     Zoom action.  Zoom displays allow you to Show and in some cases, Set,
     Enable or Disable attributes for a particular entity.

9.1  –  possible_actions

     To determine which actions can be performed on a particular entity, place
     the pointer on that entity and click the left mouse button to  highlight
     the entity.  (Or, use the right mouse button if your Session Manager is
     configured to use Left-Handed Button Arrangement.)  Then place the pointer
     over the Actions pulldown and click on the left mouse button; A list of
     actions available for this entity will be displayed.  Only those actions
     that are not greyed out are currently available, note, this list may
     change as the state of the entity changes.

     Click on the action you wish to perform, and a display for that action
     will appear to prompt you for arguments if necessary.  If an action
     display is presented, you have the option of aborting the action by
     pushing the CANCEL button or proceeding with the action by supplying any
     required information and pushing a CONTINUE, OKAY or APPLY button.  See
     Pushbutton Usage for more information about these buttons.

9.2  –  frequently_performed_actions

    The most frequently performed actions (Zoom, Expand, and Collapse) can be
    performed using the mouse instead of the Actions pulldown if you prefer.

    Double-clicking the left mouse button while the pointer is positioned over
    any entity or subentity will cause the expansion or collapse of that
    entity.  For example, double-clicking the left mouse button on the Session
    Control entity after it has already expanded would cause that entity to
    be collapsed, and vice versa.

    Single-clicking the right-most mouse button over any entity, subentity or
    instance that currently has the Zoom action enabled will automatically
    bring up that entity's Zoom display. If the Zoom action is currently not
    allowed for that entity, no action will be taken.

    Note:  If you have changed your Session Manager to use the left-handed
    button arrangement, use the left button to Zoom and the right button to

10  –  Options pulldown

     The Options pulldown provides three functions:

     Change To Remote Node - This option allows you to set the node you are
                             managing to any other Phase V node on the network.

     Change To Local Node  - This option returns you to managing the node from
                             which you originally ran NET$MGMT.

     Default Actions       - This option allows you to display the NCL commands
                             that are used to create the displays and perform
                             the actions requested.  These NCL commands will
                             appear in the window where you originally issued
                             the command to run NET$MGMT.

11  –  tasks_pulldown

     The Tasks pulldown provides access to commonly performed management
     activities.  Tasks are functions that generally require many NCL commands
     or are complex in some way.  The number of available tasks will be
     increased with future releases.  Currently, the supported tasks include:

     Show Known Links

     Show Known Node Counters

     Show Transports
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