Required  for  nodes  when  the  VERIFICATION   INBOUND  parameter  is
 specified for the circuit over which the connection  is  to  be  made.
 Specifies the type of the  node.  The  node-type  is  checked  by  the
 executor node if  the  specified  node  attempts  to  form  a  dynamic
 connection with the executor node.  If  VERIFICATION  INBOUND  is  not
 specified for the circuit, the  INBOUND  parameter  for  the  node  is
 ignored.  The two possible node-types are

     ENDNODE    Allows the remote node to be  connected  only  if it is
                configured as an end node

     ROUTER     Allows the remote node to  be  connected  whether it is
                configured as an end node or a router
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