Use the SET OBJECT command to create or modify object parameters in the volatile database on the local node. Use the DEFINE OBJECT command to create or modify object parameters in the permanent database on the local node. SET OBJECT object-name (parameters ...) All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands.
Applies only to VAX PSI. Indicates that the specified parameters are applicable to all known objects.
2 – OBJECT object-name
Identifies the object for which specified parameters are to be created or modified in the database. For VAX PSI, specify the object name using an id-string.
3 – ALL
The SET OBJECT ALL command to updates the volatile database on the local node with all the object parameters stored for a particular object in the permanent database on the local node.
4 – ACCOUNT account
Identifies the default user's account for access control on inbound connects to the object when no access control is specified by the remote node. For VAX PSI, identifies the user account for use by incoming X25 calls to the object; if not specified, no account is used.
5.1 – INCOMING option
Specifies how a particular object responds to incoming connect requests directed to the alias node address. The alias node address is established using the SET EXECUTOR command. There are two options for ALIAS INCOMING: ENABLED Allows a specified object to receive incoming connect requests that have been directed to the alias node address. An object such as PHONE which uses a protocol that depends on multiple links should not be enabled for ALIAS INCOMING. By default, if an alias node identifier has been specified, ALIAS INCOMING is enabled for all objects except for PHONE. DISABLED Does not allow a specified object to receive incoming connect requests that have been directed to the alias node address. An object whose resources are not accessible clusterwide should not have ALIAS INCOMING disabled. If an attempt is made to connect to an object that does not have ALIAS INCOMING enabled, the status message NO SUCH OBJECT is returned.
5.2 – OUTGOING option
Specifies whether a particular object uses the alias node identifier specified in the SET EXECUTOR command in its outgoing connect requests and other protocols. Specify either of the following two options: ENABLED Allows a specified object to use the alias node address in its outgoing connect requests. An object such as PHONE which uses a protocol that depends on multiple links should not have the ALIAS OUTGOING parameter enabled. By default, only the object MAIL has ALIAS OUTGOING enabled. DISABLED Does not allow a specified object to use the alias node address in its outgoing connect requests.
6 – FILE file-spec
Specifies the command file containing the command procedure used to start the indicated object. If not specified, the default is SYS$SYSTEM:object-name.COM For VAX PSI, this parameter specifies the command file containing the command procedure used to activate a user program or task. When you specify an object for the first time, this parameter is mandatory.
7 – NUMBER number
Specifies the object number. Use a number in the range of 0 to 255, except for those reserved. When you specify an object for the first time, this parameter is mandatory. For VAX PSI, specify this parameter as 0.
Specifies the privileges that a user must possess in order to make outbound connections to the object. Refer to the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for a complete list of privileges and their meanings. Does not apply to VAX PSI.
9 – PASSWORD password
Identifies the default user's password for access control on inbound connects to the object when no access control is specified by the remote node. This password must match the password established for the account. For VAX PSI, this parameter is mandatory. It identifies the user's password for use by incoming X25 calls to the object.
10 – PRIVILEGES privilege-list
Specifies those privileges normally required by the object. A user with those privileges may be supplied with default outbound privileged access control information when connecting to the object. Refer to the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for a complete list of privileges and their meanings. Does not apply to VAX PSI.
11 – PROXY option
Assigns the proxy login access defaults to individual objects. Specify one of the following four options: INCOMING Allows proxy login to the object. OUTGOING Allows the object to initiate proxy login. BOTH Allows both incoming and outgoing proxy login access. This is the default option. NONE Does not allow incoming or outgoing proxy login access.
12 – USER user-id
Identifies the default user's identification for access control on inbound connects to the object when no access control is specified by the remote node. For VAX PSI, this parameter specifies the user identification for use by incoming X25 calls to the object; this parameter is mandatory when you specify an object for the first time.
13 – Examples
NCP>SET OBJECT NML FILE NML NUMBER 19 This command an object number, 19, for the NML object. NCP>SET OBJECT NML- _ PRIVILEGES OPER DIAGNOSE - _ USER NET_NONPRIV - _ PASSWORD NET_NONPRIV This command establishes default access control information for the NML object and sets those privileges required to connect to this object.