Use the SET MODULE X25-SERVER command to create or modify the
 parameters of the X25 Call Handler in the volatile data base. Use
 the DEFINE MODULE X25-SERVER command to create or modify the
 parameters of the X25 Call Handler in the permanent data base.

 The components contain records that identify a destination,
 specify  parameters for this destination, specify the maximum
 number of circuits that each module (that is, all destinations
 for a particular module) may have, and specify the state of the

 Specify the module parameters and the destinations using
 separate SET or DEFINE MODULE X25-SERVER or X29-SERVER commands.


             X29-SERVER  COUNTER TIMER seconds
                         MAXIMUM CIRCUITS count
                         STATE   ON

                         DESTINATION dest-name  ACCOUNT account
                         KNOWN DESTINATIONS     CALL MASK hex-value
                                                CALL VALUE hex-value
                                                CALLED ADDRESS dte-address
                                                EXTENSION MASK hex-string
                                                EXTENSION VALUE hex-string
                                                GROUP group-name
                                                INCOMING ADDRESS dte-address
                                                NETWORK network-name
                                                NODE node-id
                                                OBJECT object-id
                                                PASSWORD password
                                                PRIORITY priority
                                                RECEIVING DTE dte-address
                                                REDIRECT REASON code
                                                SENDING ADDRESS dte-address
                                                SUBADDRESSES range
                                                USER user-id

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

1  –  ALL

 Copies the Call Handler parameters from the permanent data base into
 the volatile data base.  (Used only for the SET MODULE X25-SERVER
 command or the SET MODULE X29-SERVER command.)


 Specifies all known destinations.

3  –  COUNTER TIMER seconds

 Sets a timer whose expiration causes a server module counter logging
 event.  Specify a decimal integer in the range 1 to 65,535.


 Specifies the maximum number of circuits that the module (that is,
 all destinations) may have.  By default, the maximum is 255.

5  –  STATE

 Specifies the operational state of the server module.  This parameter
 takes one of the following values:

     ON     The module is available for normal use.

     OFF    The module is not in use.

     SHUT   The module is to be closed down but only when all
            present activity has ceased. (The SHUT value applies only
            to the SET MODULE X25-SERVER or X29-SERVER command.)

            For the X25 server module, the default state is ON.  For
            the X29 server module, the default state is OFF.

6  –  CALLED ADDRESS dte-address

 For redirected calls, this parameter identifies the DTE that was
 originally called. The parameter value is used to select a destination
 for a redirected call.

 By default, no called DTE is used.

7  –  DESTINATION dest-name

 Identifies a destination or specifies all known destinations.
 Dest-name is an id string. Associate parameters with the destination
 or destinations, as follows:

8  –  ACCOUNT account

 Identifies the user account for use by incoming calls to the
 destination.  Specify a string of from 1 to 39 characters.  By
 default, no account is used.

9  –  CALL

9.1  –  MASK hex-value

 Specifies the mask applied to the incoming call data before it is
 tested.  Hex-value is a string of 2 to 32 hexadecimal digits.  By
 default, no mask is used.

9.2  –  VALUE hex-value

 Specifies the string used to test the incoming call data.  Hex-value
 is a string of 2 to 32 hexadecimal digits.  By default, no value is


10.1  –  MASK hex-string

 Provides a mask for the called address extension facility. Using
 logical AND, the mask is merged with the called address extension in
 the incoming call and the result is compared with the extension value.

 By default no extension mask is used.

10.2  –  VALUE hex-string

 Provides a value for the called address extension facility. This value
 is compared with the address extension in the incoming call (after
 merging as described in EXTENSION MASK).

 By default no extension value is used.

11  –  GROUP group-name

 Identifies a closed user group (CUG) or bilateral closed user group
 (BCUG).  The group-name is an id string.  By default, no group name
 is used.

12  –  INCOMING ADDRESS dte-address

 Identifies the address of the DTE receiving the call (as specified in
 the call packet).

13  –  NETWORK net-name

 Specifies the network for which calls are accepted.

 By default, no network name is used.

14  –  NODE node-id

 Identifies the host node which is to be the destination of the
 incoming X25 call.

15  –  OBJECT object-id

 Identifies the object that is activated when an incoming call
 arrives.  The object-id is an id string.  If the object name looks
 like a number, enclose the string in  quotes.  This parameter is
 mandatory when you specify a destination for the first time.

16  –  PASSWORD password

 Specifies the password for use by incoming calls to the destination.
 Specify a string of from 1 to 39 characters.  The default is that no
 password is used.

17  –  PRIORITY priority

 Specifies the priority of the destination record and is used to
 select one of a set of destinations for which the incoming call may
 be valid.  Specify a value in the range 0 to 255, where 255 is the
 highest priority.  By default, priority takes a value of 0.


 Identifies the local DTE. IT is used to select a destination for calls
 received on the local DTE.

 By default, no receiving DTE is used.


 Identifies a reason for redirecting an incoming call. The reason code
 can take one of the following values:

 BUSY             The original DTE was busy and could no accept any
                  more calls.

 OUT OF ORDER     The original DTE was out of order.

 SYSTEMATIC       All calls to the original DTE are automatically

 The reason code is used to select a destination for  a redirected
 call. By default, no reason is used.

20  –  SENDING ADDRESS dte-address

 Identifies the address of the remote DTE that originated the call. By
 default, no sending DTE is used.

21  –  SUBADDRESSES range

 Specifies the range of local DTE subaddresses that identify the
 destination for the incoming call. Range consists of one or two
 subaddresses.  Subaddress is a decimal integer in the range 0
 to 9999. Separate two subaddresses with a single hyphen to indicate
 a range. The second subaddress must be greater than the first.  By
 default, no subaddress range is used.

22  –  USER user-id

 Specifies the user identification for use by incoming calls to the
 destination.  Specify a string of from 1 to 16 characters.  The
 default is that no user identification is used.
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