Use the SET EXECUTOR command to create or modify parameters in the
 volatile database which controls the network on the executor node. Use
 the DEFINE EXECUTOR command to create or modify parameters in the
 volatile database which controls the network on the executor node.

 SET     EXECUTOR        (parameters ...)

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

1  –  ALL

 Use the SET EXECUTOR ALL command to update the volatile  copy  of  the
 executor  node's  database with all the local node parameters stored for
 that node in its permanent database.



 Establishes a node address for the local node, in the form


 where the area-number is in the range 1 to 63 and the node number
 is in the range 1 to 1023.  If the area-number is not specified,
 a default value of 1 is assumed.  You need not supply the area
 number in the node-address if your node is in area 1.  This parameter
 is required when you configure the local node.

3  –  ALIAS

3.1  –  INCOMING

 Specifies whether the local node is willing to accept incoming
 requests directed to the alias node identifier specified for
 the local node.  The alias node identifier is described under the
 ALIAS NODE parameter.  There are two options for ALIAS INCOMING:

          ENABLED     Specifies that the local node will accept
                      incoming connect requests directed to the alias
                      node identifier.  This is the default if an
                      alias node identifier has been specified.

          DISABLED    Specifies that the local node will not
                      accept the incoming connect requests
                      directed to the alias node identifier.


 Specifies the maximum number of logical links for the local node
 that can use the alias node identifier.  The alias node identifier
 is described under the ALIAS NODE parameter.  The maximum value for
 ALIAS MAXIMUM LINKS is 200.  The default value is 32.

3.3  –  NODE

 Establishes a cluster alias node identifier for use by the local
 node.  The node-id is a DECnet node identifier that can be either
 a node-name or a node-address.  This alias permits the local node
 to be associated with a cluster node identifier common to some or
 all the nodes in a cluster, in addition to its own unique node-id.
 If this parameter is not specified, the local node is not associated
 with a cluster alias node identifier.  If a node-name is to be used
 as the alias node-id,  the node-name must previously have been
 defined in the database.

4  –  AREA

4.1  –  MAXIMUM

4.1.1  –  COST

 Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA.  Specifies
 the maximum total path cost allowed from the executor to any
 other level 2 routing node.  You can specify a decimal value in
 the range 1 to 1022.  The default value is 1022.

4.1.2  –  HOPS

 Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA.  Specifies
 the maximum number of routing hops allowable from the executor
 to any other level 2 routing node.  You can specify a decimal
 value in the range 1 to 30.  The default is 30.


 Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between Routing
 updates on broadcast circuits.  When the timer expires before a
 routing update occurs, a routing update is forced.  The routing
 update produces a routing configuration message for each adjacent
 node.  Routing uses this timer to enforce a minimum delay between
 routing updates.  You can specify a number in the range 1 to 65,535.
 The default value is 40.


 Specifies the size of the line buffers and thereby controls the
 maximum segment size, including the transport header, of all NSP
 messages received.


 Specifies a timer whose expiration causes a line counter logging


 Assigns the default access to all nodes which do not have a
 specific node ACCESS entry in the volatile data base.  There are
 four options:

    INCOMING     Allows logical link connections from the remote node.

    OUTGOING     Allows the local node to initiate connections to the
                 remote node; but does not allow connections from the
                 remote node.

    BOTH         Allows incoming and outgoing logical link connections.
                 This is the default.

    NONE         Does  not  allow  incoming  or  outgoing logical link
                 connections to this node.

9  –  DELAY

9.1  –  FACTOR

 Specifies the number by which to multiply one sixteenth of the
 estimated round trip delay to a node to set the retransmission
 timer to that node.  Use a number in the range 16 to 255.  The
 default value is 80.

9.2  –  WEIGHT

 Specifies the weight to apply to a new round trip delay data
 point when updating the estimated round trip delay to a node.
 Use a number in the range of 1 to 255.  The default value is 5.


 Is  a  text  string  that  describes the executor node (that is,
 "Host System").  The string can be a maximum of 32 characters.
 If it contains blanks or tabs, you must enclose the string in
 quotation marks.


 Specifies  the  maximum duration of inactivity (no data in either
 direction) on a logical link before the node checks to see if the
 logical link still works. If you do not set this parameter,
 NETACP will supply a default value.  It is recommended that you
 allow NETACP to supply the default.


12.1  –  PROXY

 Indicates whether proxy login requests present on incoming logical
 links are to honored.  There are two options for INCOMING PROXY:

                 DISABLED:      Ignores all incoming proxy requests and
                                instead relies exclusively on access control
                                information supplied in the connect requests
                                to validate the logical link.

                 ENABLED:       Invokes the appropriate proxy, based on
                                the source user, source node, and supplied
                                access control information (if any).

12.2  –  TIMER

 Defines  the  maximum  duration  between the time a connection is
 received for a process and the time that process accepts or
 rejects the connection.  For very busy systems, use a value in
 the range of 45 to 60 seconds.  Otherwise use a value of 30

13  –  MAXIMUM

13.1  –  ADDRESS

 Defines   the   largest   node  address and, consequently, the
 greatest number of nodes that can be addressed by the local node.
 Use as small a number as possible. If you receive an "INVALID
 VALUE" error, you probably have not allocated enough nonpaged
 pool space.  You must lower the MAXIMUM ADDRESS value or increase
 the VMS NPAGEDYN value.  See Chapter 5 of the Guide to Networking
 for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN.

13.2  –  AREA

 Applies only to an executor node whose type is AREA.  Specifies
 the largest area number and, therefore, the greatest number of
 areas that can be known about by the executor node's Routing layer.
 You can specify a decimal value in the range 1 to 63.  The default
 is 63.

13.3  –  BROADCAST

13.3.1  –  NONROUTERS

 Specifies the maximum total number of nonrouting nodes (end nodes)
 the executor node can have on its broadcast circuits.  Use a number
 in the range of 0 to 1023.  The default is 64.

13.3.2  –  ROUTERS

 Specifies the maximum total number of routing nodes the executor
 node can have on its broadcast circuits.  Use a number in the range
 of 0 to 65,535.  The default is 32.

13.4  –  BUFFERS

 Specifies   the   total   number   of  buffers in the transmit
 buffer pool.  The value must be larger than that for the MAXIMUM
 CIRCUITS parameter.  Use a value that is 15 times the square root
 of the number of lines.  Increase this value if you experience
 congestion loss.

13.5  –  CIRCUITS

 Defines  the  maximum  number  of  transport circuits that the
 local node can use.  Number must be in the range 1 to 32. If you
 receive an "INVALID VALUE" error, you probably have not allocated
 enough Non Paged Pool space.  You must lower the MAXIMUM CIRCUITS
 value or increase the VMS NPAGEDYN value.  See Chapter 5 of the
 Guide to Networking for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN.

13.6  –  COST

 Specifies the maximum total path cost allowed from the local node
 to any node.  The path cost is the sum of the line costs along a
 path between two nodes.  Use as small a number as possible in the
 range of 1 to 1023.


 Specifies the maximum number of objects that processes may
 declare.  Use a number in the range of 8 to 16383.  The default
 is 31.

13.8  –  HOPS

 Specifies the maximum routing hops from the local node to any
 other reachable node. A hop is the logical distance over a line
 between two adjacent nodes.  Use as small a number as possible in
 the range of 1 to 31, and be sure that this value is less than or
 equal to the MAXIMUM VISITS parameter. If you receive an "INVALID
 VALUE" error, you probably have not allocated enough Non Paged
 Pool space.  You must lower the MAXIMUM HOPS value or increase
 the VMS NPAGEDYN value.  Refer to Chapter 5 of the Guide to
 Networking on for some guidelines on NPAGEDYN.

13.9  –  LINKS

 Specifies the maximum logical link count for the local node.  A
 reasonable range for most networks is 25 to 50.

13.10  –  PATH SPLITS

 Indicates the maximum number of equal cost paths for a given
 destination node among which the packet load may be split.  The
 default is 4.

13.11  –  VISITS

 Specifies the maximum number of nodes a message can visit prior
 to being received by the destination node.  Use a number in the
 range of 1 to 255.  The value must be greater than or equal to
 the value for the MAXIMUM HOPS parameter.  It is suggested that
 you specify a number that is twice the MAXIMUM HOPS value.

14  –  NAME

 Specifies the node name to be assigned with the executor node
 identification.  Only one name can be assigned to a node address
 or node identification.


 Specifies nonprivileged inbound access control information for
 the node.  The following items can be specified:

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

15.1  –  ACCOUNT account

 Identifies the user's account for access control verification
 for the designated node.

15.2  –  PASSWORD password

 Identifies the user's password for access control verification
 for the designated node.

15.3  –  USER user-id

 Identifies the user's ID for access control verification
 for the designated node.


16.1  –  PROXY

 Indicates whether proxy login may be used on outgoing connect requests.
 There are two options for OUTGOING PROXY:

                 DISABLED:     Specifies that proxy invocation is not requested
                               on any outgoing logical links.

                 ENABLED:      Specifies that proxy invocation is requested on
                               all outgoing logical links.

16.2  –  TIMER

 Specifies a time out value  for  the  duration between the time a
 connection is requested and the time that connection is
 acknowledged by the destination node.  It is recommended that you
 use a value in the range of 30 to 60 seconds.


 Specifies the policy for equal cost load splitting of network traffic.
 There are two values for PATH SPLIT POLICY

               INTERIM:      Specifies that all traffic will be split
                             over all equal cost paths while forcing
                             individual network sessions over the same
                             paths in order to guarantee that packets
                             will be received by the destination node
                             in the correct order.  The INTERIM value
                             should be set if some of the nodes in the
                             network do not support out-of-order packet
                             caching.  (VMS version 4.5 and earlier VMS
                             releases do not support out-of-order

               NORMAL:       Specifies that all traffic will be split
                             equally over all equal cost paths to a
                             destination node.  All nodes must support
                             out-of-order packet caching
                             (VMS Version 4.6 or later), otherwise,
                             network performance may suffer.  This is
                             the default value for PATH SPLIT POLICY.


 Specifies the maximum number of bytes of nonpaged pool that
 DECnet will use for transmission over logical links.  Use this
 parameter for multibuffering at the NSP level.


 Specifies privileged inbound access control information for the
 node.  This parameter is not needed unless the PRIVILEGES parameter
 is used explicitly in the object database.

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

19.1  –  ACCOUNT account

 Identifies the user's account for access control verification
 for the designated node.

19.2  –  PASSWORD password

 Identifies the user's password for access control verification
 for the designated node.

19.3  –  USER user-id

 Identifies the user's ID for access control verification
 for the designated node.


 Defines  the  maximum  number  of  times any given message
 (except a connect initiate message) will be retransmitted before
 the logical link is disconnected.  If you do not set this
 parameter, NETACP will supply a default value.  It is recommended
 that you allow NETACP to supply the default.


 Specifies the maximum duration before a routing update is forced.
 The routing update produces a routing configuration message for
 each adjacent node.  You can use a number in the range of 1 to 65535.
 If you don't set this parameter, NETACP will supply a default
 value.  It is recommended that you allow NETACP to supply the


 Specifies in bytes the  maximum number of transmit buffers, thereby
 controlling the maximum size NSP message segment that can be
 transmitted.  (This value is the maximum size message the End
 Communication layer can transmit; it does not include Routing layer
 or Data Link layer overhead.)  Use a value in the range 1 to 65,535.
 The default value is equal to the value of the BUFFER SIZE if
 specified; otherwise the default is 576.

23  –  STATE

 Specifies the operational state of the local node.  There are
 four possible states:

     OFF		Allows no new logical links,
 		terminates existing links,
 		and stops route-through

     ON		Allows logical links

     RESTRICTED	Allows no new inbound links
 		from other nodes

     SHUT	Allows no new logical links,
 		does not destroy existing
 		links, and goes to the OFF
 		state when all logical links
 		are gone

24  –  SUBADDRESS range

 Applies only to VAX PSI.  Specifies a range of local DTE
 subaddresses that the Routing Layer will accept as X25 DLM calls.
 VAX PSI will route all incoming X25 calls within the specified
 subaddress range to the Routing Layer to be handled as DLM calls.

25  –  TYPE

 Indicates the type of the executor node.  Possible node types are

                    ROUTING IV
                    NONROUTING IV

 The default depends upon the DECnet license installed.  If the
 full function kit is installed, the default is ROUTING IV; if the end
 node kit is installed, the default (and only possible value) is

 A routing node has full routing capability.  A nonrouting node (or end
 node) can deliver packets to or receive them from any node, but
 cannot route packets from other source nodes through to destination

 An area node is a level 2 router that can route packets between areas.

26  –  Examples


          This command sets the executor node's address to 1.11 and buffer
          size to 576 bytes.


          This command sets the executor node's operational state to ON.

27  –  NODE

 Use the SET EXECUTOR NODE command to set the default executor for  all
 NCP  commands.   The  executor  is  the  node  on  which  the  Network
 Management Listener (NML) runs to perform these  commands.

 Note that the NODE keyword must  appear  as  the  third  keyword  when
 entering  the  command.   The  remaining information may appear in any
 order thereafter, except the node-spec  which  must  follow  the  NODE
 keyword.  Access control information is optional.

 SET     EXECUTOR        NODE node-spec          ACCOUNT account
                                                 PASSWORD password
                                                 USER user-id
 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

27.1  –  ACCOUNT account

 Identifies the user's account for access control verification
 at the designated executor node.

27.2  –  NODE node-spec

 Specifies a node name or address optionally followed by access
 control information as specified for VMS.  Use one of the
 following formats:

     node-id"user password account"

27.3  –  PASSWORD password

 Identifies the user's password for access control verification
 at the designated executor node.

27.4  –  USER user-id

 Identifies the user's ID for access control verification at the
 designated executor node.

27.5  –  Examples



          The first command sets the executor to node 1.14.  (The default
          area number 1 is assumed if the area number is not specified in
          the node address.)  The  second command resets the executor to
          the executor node.


          This command uses  access  control  information  to  set  the
          executor node to node 1.14.


          This command uses an alternate access control format  to  set
          the executor to node TRNTO.
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