NCLHELP.HLB  —  test  mop  circuit  SAP
    The optional SAP argument specifies the Service Access Point on
    the target system to which the XID message is to be sent.  SAP is
    an octet (00-FF).  The default SAP is 00.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          sap octet [,optional arguments...]

    If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit,
    then the Client argument must be specified so the address
    information can be obtained from the MOP Client database.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          sap octet [,optional arguments...]


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-00-13-4F, sap ff

    test mop circuit fddi-1 client mynode, sap 55
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