NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  xot (OpenVMS Alpha), port
    Shows a XOT PORT entity which provides information on an
    active XOT connection over TCP/IP.  Ports are created and
    deleted dynamically as X.25 connections are requested.

    show  [node node-id] xot -
               port port-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                               all [attributes]
                               all counters
                               all identifiers
                               all status

    The port-name can be either a wildcard, or it can be a
    simple name that uniquely identifies a particular port
    instance.  XOT port-names are automatically created in
    the form XOT-port-xxxx, where xxxx is a 4 digit
    hexadecimal value indicating the port number.


    show xot port * client, link, direction

    show xot port XOT-port-0000 all
Additional Information: explode extract
Counters Identifiers Status
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