NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, tower_maintenance, Status
 o  client

    Network management name of the user who issued the keepmehere
    call that resulted in the creation of this entity.

 o  higher towers

    Set of higher towers that was passed in the keepmehere call that
    created this entity.

 o  last failure exception (Tru64 UNIX)

    Reason for the most recent update failure. If no update for this
    subentity ever failed, then it is zero.

 o  last failure reason

    DECdns error code that indicates the reason for the last update

 o  last successful update

    Time of the last successful update to the DNA$Towers attribute
    for the specified entity. On OpenVMS, if no update for this
    subentity ever failed, then it is zero.

 o  last update completed

    Time that the last attempt to update the DNA$Towers attribute
    completed (successfully or not).

 o  last update started

    Time that the last attempt to update the DNA$Towers attribute for
    the specified entity was initiated.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

 o  user (Tru64 UNIX)

    User name of the user who created this tower maintenance
    subentity with the keepmehere procedure call. This is different
    from client, which refers to a local entity name.
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