NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, port  Status
 o  accept mode (Tru64 UNIX)

    Value: Immediate or

    If accept mode is immediate, Session Control automatically
    accepts the connection before activating the end user. If accept
    mode is deferred, it is up to the end user to accept or reject
    the connection.

 o  auto disconnect (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: True or false

    True if Session Control will abort the transport connection for
    this port if Transport determines the network is partitioned.

 o  client

                           Value: Local-entity-name

    Network management name specified by the user of the port when it
    was opened.

 o  data abstraction (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Message or stream

    Type of data transfer interface the application uses.

 o  direction

    Specifies whether the port is open to initiate an outgoing
    transport connection or to receive an incoming one.

    incoming       Port was opened to handle an incoming transport

    outgoing       Port is open to initiate an outgoing transport

    unknown        The port status is unknown at this time.

    listening      The port is open to receive incoming transport

 o  incoming network priority (OpenVMS)

    Default:  None                      Value:  0-255

    Incoming network priority value received with incoming
    connect events.

 o  listening parent port (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Local-entity-name

    Name of the session control port that this port came from as the
    result of a PollIncoming on the parent port.

 o  local end user address

    Address assigned by the user of the port when it was opened. On
    outgoing connections this value is sent in the source name field
    of the connection request; on incoming connections this value is
    received in the destination name field of the request.

 o  node name sent

    Node name that was received or sent in the connect request.

 o  outgoing network priority (OpenVMS)

    Default:  None              Value:  0-255

    Outgoing network priority value passed to transport.

 o  process identifier (OpenVMS)

    Default: None               Value: Hex string

    The Process Id of the process that owns the session port.

 o  programming interface (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Phase IV or DECnet-Plus

    Programming interface the DECnet application uses.  HP
    DECnet for Tru64 UNIX uses this socket interface.

 o  proxy requested (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: True or false

    True if the request proxy bit was turned on in the
    connect request that was received or sent.

 o  queued connects (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Integer

    Number of connect requests pending that PollIncoming has not
    dequeued yet.

 o  receive queue (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Integer

    Number of octets of unread data queued.

 o  remote end user address

    Address of the remote end user of the port. This value was
    either sent in the destination name field of an outgoing
    connection request or was received in the source name field of
    an incoming connection request. If the value of the direction
    attribute is incoming or unknown and no connection request has
    been received, the value of this attribute is null.

 o  send queue (Tru64 UNIX)

                           Value: Integer

    Number of octets of unsent data queued.

 o  transport port

                           Value: Local-entity-name

    Network management name of the transport port being used by this
    session control port.

 o  version sent

    Version that was received or sent in the connect request.
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