NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, application
    show  [node node-id] session control -
       application object-name-or-object-number  attribute [,attribute...]
                                                 all [attributes]
                                                 all characteristics
                                                 all counters
                                                 all identifiers
                                                 all status

    You can identify an application with an object name or an object
    number.  Usually, applications are identified by network object
    number 0, but you can optionally assign it a nonzero object number,
    in the range from 128 to 255.  A nonzero object number can be
    specified without an application name.  Object numbers 1 through
    127 are reserved for use by HP.  Specific network services
    are identified by nonzero object numbers; for example, 27
    represents the mail utility.


    show session control application * name, addresses

    show session control application 26 all
Additional Information: explode extract
Characteristics Counters Identifier Status
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